Dissemination Of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion

Dissemination Of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion

You have designed a plan for an evidence-based research project. Discuss your plan for dissemination of your results and your thoughts on designing and taking part in an evidence-based research project in your future role as a master’s prepared practitioner. Dissemination Of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion

Doesn’t have to be about a specific thing, just speculative

Dissemination of evidence-based practice results is a critical phase as it determines the success of EBP projects. The sustainability of EBP depends on the flow of information and feedback. In planning for dissemination of EBP results, it is important to consider the target audience and the implication of the EBP on various aspects, such as policy and quality of care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022)Dissemination Of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion.


The method I would use to disseminate the EBP results internally is through the hospital board, which comprises employees of the organization involved in patient care and members of management. The presentation of EBP results will be done through face-to-face meetings where members can ask questions, receive clarifications, and receive instant feedback. Regular meetings with the hospital board will provide a suitable forum for information sharing. Brochures and newsletters will be used to inform the audience on the EBP progress and are easy to read in light of heavy workloads.

Dissemination of evidence to the greater nursing community will be done through posters and podium presentations. Poster presentations will facilitate the dissemination of results across many healthcare facilities and other relevant stakeholders (Portney, 2020)Dissemination Of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion. Podium presentations will be done in conferences and seminars, allowing participants to engage with each other in robust discussions. The podium presentations will be done at conferences of professional organizations. The design and participation in an evidence-based research project require meticulous planning to ensure its success and sustainability. When identifying an EBP project, it is necessary to prioritize the needs to be addressed. The buy-in of stakeholders and engaging them in the EBP process is crucial to ensuring ownership of the project and its acceptance. Monitoring and evaluation of EBP and reporting the findings facilitate constructive criticism and provide an opportunity to take corrective action before full implementation.


Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(4), e29.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Portney, L. G. (2020). Foundations of clinical research: applications to evidence-based practice. FA Davis. Dissemination Of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion