Good Decision Making And Safe Practice Reflection Assignment Paper

Good Decision Making And Safe Practice Reflection Assignment Paper

What was the experience which prompted this reflection?
How did this experience make you feel?
Did you learn anything from this experience, if not why do you think not?
From this experience what did you learn that was good?
From this experience what did you learn that was not so good?
How has this experience impacted on you as a person?
How has this experience impacted on your practice?
Will this experience bring about a change in your behaviour, if so how? Good Decision Making And Safe Practice Reflection Assignment Paper


this is the description to follow for the reflection

What was the experience which prompted this reflection?

The experience that prompted this reflection is my experience of travelling to the Middle East and learning about their culture and religion. I have learnt that not all of the stereotypes about Muslims are true. The experience made me feel more comfortable and enlightened about other cultures. I now know that not all of the cultural norms among Muslims are based on religion, but are instead assimilated over time. This has made me a better nurse, as I am more sensitive to the cultural needs of my patients. Good Decision Making And Safe Practice Reflection Assignment Paper

How did this experience make you feel?

I learned that not all Muslims are the same, and that there are many different types of Muslims. This is important information for nurses who work with Muslim patients, as it will help us to better understand their needs. Additionally, this experience has taught me that it is important to listen and learn about other cultures before forming any judgments. This way, I can better serve my patients.

From this experience what did you learn that was good?

I learned to appreciate other cultures more, and that not all Muslims are the same.

From this experience what did you learn that was not so good?

I did not enjoy the fact that I was constantly surrounded by people who were speaking a different language. This made it difficult to communicate with my patients. Good Decision Making And Safe Practice Reflection Assignment Paper

How has this experience impacted on you as a person and your practice?

This experience has impacted me and my practice in a positive way. I have become more sensitive to the needs of my Muslim patients, and am better able to communicate with them.

Will this experience bring about a change in your behaviour, if so how?

I am confident that this experience will lead to a change in my behaviour, as I will be more aware of the needs of my Muslim patients and be better able to meet their needs. Additionally, I will continue to study the culture and language of Muslims in order to better serve them. Good Decision Making And Safe Practice Reflection Assignment Paper