Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper
Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper
Response #1-
Pros and Cons of using mixed methodology
One of the advantages of using both qualitative and quantitative research methods in nursing research is that it provides synergy (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, 2020). When using both methods, the research questions are explored exhaustively, and the researcher can overcome limitations from individual methodology. For example, qualitative research is applied if one is studying a phenomenon that cannot be quantified. Another advantage is that it allows the researcher to apply both deductive and inductive perspectives (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, 2020). Mixed methodologies offer the advantage of the researcher generating a theory and testing the hypothesis. Mixed methodologies offer an advantage to participants. Participants can describe their problem quantitatively and provide descriptive data in qualitative methods. The nature of qualitative data is such that the participants can describe their needs and have their input considered.
One of the major limitations in the use of mixed methodologies is the researcher’s expertise. Researchers must be well-versed in qualitative and quantitative methods to effectively integrate the data and give it meaning (Fabregues et al., 2021). The research is extensive compared to using any individual methodology. This translates to an added cost of undertaking research and will take more time. In some cases, the added cost is because the researcher has to hire professionals well versed in the methodology other than one’s expertise. Fabregues et al. (2021) report that the researcher may have to modify qualitative or quantitative methodologies to fit the purpose of the study. In some cases, the researcher may veer off the published guidelines and use a methodology not qualifying as mixed methodology, which may result in reduced study validity.
Fabregues, S., Escalante-Barrios, E.L., Molina-Azorin, J.F., Hong, Q.N., &Verd, J.M. (2021). Taking a critical stance towards mixed methods research: a cross-disciplinary qualitative secondary analysis of researchers’ views. PloS One, 16(7), 1-21. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0252014
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. (2020). Guidance: mixed methods study. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/mixed-methods-study
Response #2-
Evidence-based practice in my workplace
Evidence-based practice is a significant concept in the nursing environment. It involves
integrating the best evidence from the existing materials with the nurses’ clinical knowledge to
enhance clinical decision-making (Li et al., 2019). Evidence-based practice is being implemented
in my workplace. My healthcare firm requires all healthcare providers to consider the available
evidence when selecting treatment interventions for each patient. The healthcare providers are to
select the medical interventions supported by the best evidence. Evidence-based practices
enhance decision-making in my workplace (Li et al., 2019). The healthcare providers use their
experience and the best evidence to adopt the relevant strategies based on the health needs of
each patient. This improves the quality of care offered to patients, leading to positive health
Spirituality and self-care
Spirituality and self-care are important factors in nursing. I can enhance spirituality by
considering the spiritual beliefs of the patients during the nursing process. This will ensure that I
deliver proper nursing services within the patient’s spirituality (Swart, 2017). I can enhance self-
care by educating the patients on how to manage their health conditions. Offering an education
program will make the patients understand their health status and the practices they can adopt to
improve their condition. It will enhance the self-care of the patients, which will have positive
health results (Swart, 2017). This practice aligns with the worldview of Christians. Christians
may have preferences for the treatment intervention they need the healthcare providers to use.
Considering the p[atient’s spirituality will ensure that the nursing services are accepted in the
Christian community.
Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice: Knowledge, attitudes,
implementation, facilitators, and barriers among community nurses—a systematic
review. Medicine, 98(39).
Swart, M. (2017). Spirituality and healthcare. Healthcare ethics
I need a response to both of these posts, so the word count can be split between the 2. and 2 peer-reviewed sources per response. thank you
Evidence-based practice in my workplace
Nursing has a long history of integrating research in practice, pioneered by Florence Nightingale. While only a few nurses did lay the groundwork in the mid-1990s, the nurse practitioner has recently offered significant lead for enhancing care through the implementation of research results in practice (Nielsen et al.,2018)Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper. Evidence-based practice is the conscious and cautious use of best available evidence along with clinical competence and patient values to guide healthcare decisions. As noted in the post, in many healthcare settings, including the one which I presently work, the choice of medical action is frequently dependent on the best available data. Medical interventions, such as infection management, invasive blood pressure measurement in children have always been based on the most up-to-date evidence for patient safety.
Spirituality and self-care
Being a nurse is a fulfilling profession. We have a responsibility to be considerate and attentive to patients and caregivers, notably those who are vulnerable and require our assistance. A positive sense of self occurs when nurses are spiritually grounded and believe in a divine power. Addressing the patient’s holistic requirements necessitates the nurse attending to both emotional and physical needs. Nurses must be conscious of their beliefs, notice discrepancies between their faith and a patient’s spiritual requirements, and identify appropriate spiritual care (Ausar et al.,2021)Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper. Consideration of client beliefs during the nursing process, as well as education about their condition, treatment choices, and coping methods, can assist enhance client spiritual care. As noted in the post, various religions have varied treatment preferences; thus, addressing their spirituality might increase their acceptance of nursing intervention and, as a result, a therapeutic outcome.
Nielsen, K., & Noblet, A. (2018). Organizational interventions for health and well-being: A handbook for evidence-based practice (p. 302). Taylor & Francis.
Ausar, K., Lekhak, N., & Candela, L. (2021). Nurse spiritual self-care: A scoping review. Nursing Outlook, 69(4), 660-671.
Response to discussion post: Pros and Cons of using mixed methodology
In the 1970s, qualitative and quantitative research were regarded conflicting paradigms; nevertheless, due to the increasing complexity of the research question, there has been tremendous interest in integrating facts with a desire to comprehend them completely and comprehensively (Vedel et al.,2019)Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper. Mixing data gives to a deeper understanding of the issue and more extensive evidence. Mixing paradigms enables for investigations from both inductive and deductive perspectives, as well as the ensuing integration of theory formulation and hypothesis testing in a single study, which is atypical in independent studies. Having to use a mixed method also helps research participants improve their expertise, which is incredibly significant for individuals who are just beginning out in their careers.
Despite clear advantages, mixed research methodologies are not without drawbacks. Mixed research method is demanding in terms of methodological expertise. It requires team of researcher well-versed in both quantitative and qualitative research and mixed research methodology design (Kumar, 2018)Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper. In cases where researchers are not expertise with the methodology, they would have to hire one, which can translate to an added cost. It is also time consuming. Collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing two types of data may require a significant amount of time and labor. Nevertheless, if the potential benefit of mixed approach, notably if numerous insights support the methodology, it is worth considering.
Vedel, I., Kaur, N., Hong, Q. N., El Sherif, R., Khanassov, V., Godard-Sebillotte, C., … & Pluye, P. (2019). Why and how to use mixed methods in primary health care research. Family practice, 36(3), 365-368. https://doi.org/10.1093/fampra/cmy127
Kumar, R. (2018). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage. Evidence-Based Practice Of Integrating Nursing Research Paper