The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper

The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper

Write a 500-750-word essay on the Stages-of-Life and the influence of age in health care from a patient’s perspective. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.

Suggested questions: The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper

– Do you feel that your stage-of-life had any effect on your interaction with health care professionals?
– Which areas of the hospital or clinic were most concerned with your well-being and feelings?
– Was your family with you during this hospital stay or outpatient visit?
– Was your family included in your treatment, such as post-procedure instructions? The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper


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Human beings experience different psychological and physiological changes during growth. These changes affect the biology of the body and influences the quality of health. The major stages of life include infancy, youth, adulthood, and old age (Eckert, 2017)The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper. Every stage depicts different knowledge, growth, and awareness. Patients’ response to clinical healthcare is different in these stages. This paper tackles the stages of life and the influence of age in healthcare from a patient’s perspective.

At the stage of infancy and childhood the human body grows rapidly. In infancy, the child learns vision and becomes aware of their environment. The brain development is at its early stages which includes learning speech and holding memory. Childhood is characterized with further brain growth to include physical, emotional, and social knowledge (Eckert, 2017)The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper. Human health at these stage is adapting to the environment and building immunity. The youth stage is a transition stage from childhood to adulthood. The stage is characterized with more growth in skills, values, and attitudes. Human beings gain self-awareness and decision-making skills. The quality of health at this stage is better compared to other stages. However, this is not a reference for healthcare since specifics traits such as physical capability, immunity level, and pathophysiological resilience matter (Eckert, 2017).

Adulthood is a stage of independence where human beings learn to make decisions and assume responsibilities. The stage has better muscle abilities, heart functioning, and sensory qualities (Eckert, 2017). The quality of healthcare if fairly good expect in instances of existing comorbidities. Pregnancy and lactation for women happens at this stage. Old age is the stage from adulthood to death. The stage has a depreciation of sensory abilities, muscle strength, and reflex time (Eckert, 2017)The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper. The human body is vulnerable to prevailing conditions. The quality of healthcare declines with decrease in immunity strength.

Age has a great influence in how patients’ perceive personal healthcare. At the age of infancy and childhood, perception of healthcare is derived from parental views. According to (Santana et al., 2017), the awareness of healthcare delivery and quality improves with age. At the age of youth and adulthood, people are focused on future outcomes and conditions. They seek quality healthcare and question medical decisions. Younger patients are more anxious with a higher perception of incompetence towards healthcare. They are also susceptible to social and trending influences. Old age people are focused on the present. These patients have a general positive perception towards any healthcare intervention. Factors like e-health application depicts different results. According to (Arakelian et al., 2017)The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper, people between 25 and 60 years perceive e-health as competent. Older patients’ views were inconclusive since their perception was derived from social beliefs and past experiences.

Interview was conducted on Lambert, a family member who is 35 years old. The interview stressed on his mental exam visit when he was 17 years old. On the stage-of-life having effect on interaction with health care professionals, he confessed that he was more rebellious at his youth stage which declined with age. Lambert submitted that the metal health department was more concerned with his healthcare and feelings compared to other areas experiences. During the specific outpatient visit, his family which then included his mother and father were present. The family was included in the post-procedure interventions. They were advised to provide a relaxed and positive environment for Lambert. The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper



Arakelian, E., Swenne, C. L., Lindberg, S., Rudolfsson, G., & von Vogelsang, A.-C. (2017). The meaning of person-centred care in the perioperative nursing context from the patient’s perspective – an integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(17-18), 2527–2544.

Eckert, P. (2017). Age as a Sociolinguistic Variable. The Handbook of Sociolinguistics, 151–167.

Santana, M. J., Manalili, K., Jolley, R. J., Zelinsky, S., Quan, H., & Lu, M. (2017). How to practice person-centred care: A conceptual framework. Health Expectations, 21(2), 429–440. The Stages Of Human Life Essay Paper