The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

P: Patient or population – people you want to study (Who) Patients with Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
I: Intervention or Issue of interest (How or What) Endocrinology specialty provider visits and education
C: Comparison intervention or issue (What is the alternative) – Education from family practice providers
O: Outcome – what outcome are you looking for (to Measure, Diagnose, Treat…) ? HgbA1c levels
T: Time – over what time frame – 1 year The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment


What is the health management differences in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes that are able to utilize Endocrinology specialties and education versus type 1 and type 2 diabetics that do not have access to endocrinology and the respective HgbA1c levels over a year.
Method will be a quantitative non-experimental retrospective chart review with a 10% sampling goal.

I have included the rubric and an example paper for the assignment.

PICOT Question

Among type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients (P), how does the access to endocrinology specialty provider visits and education (I) compared to family practice provider visits and education (C) affect the patients’ Hba1C (O) over one year of follow-up in the respective clinics (T)? The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

Epidemiological Rational for the Project

Globally, diabetes is among the leading health issues contributing to heightened morbidity, disability, compromised life quality, and significant mortality. Diabetes has consistently contributed to the rising disease burden and limited individuals’ capacity to achieve the best healthcare outcomes. A study by Singer et al. (2022) indicates that diabetes is a significant health issue in the United States; it is commonly referred to as a modern pandemic. Although Most states, healthcare stakeholders, and professionals have implemented evidence-based strategies to address the issue, the disease rates continue to grow and limit the capacity of resources and ability of the healthcare industry to respond adequately and effectively to the issue. For instance, over 34 million Americans are affected by the disease in the US while 476million global citizens experience the significant negative effects (Lin et al., 2020; Singer et al., 2022). Therefore, it is vital to mobilize resources to ensure that individuals receive services that bet match their needs. Various strategies have been incorporated into the service delivery approaches and mobilized to address the problem.

Despite implementation strategies and mechanisms for managing the disease, the risks and number of cases have increased significantly over the past few years and demand opportunities and resources that specifically assure diabetes patients of the best healthcare experience. Various researchers have conducted studies to explore the effectiveness of various strategies and mechanisms for addressing the problem; it is difficult to develop strategic measures for managing the issue and providing quality services and support to patients diagnosed with the disease. The foundation of this project is to determine measures that will effectively manage the underlying issue. The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

Project Methodology

To manage the disease, various stakeholders have implemented specialized services and advanced practice strategies such as family practice practitioners and specialized endocrinologist services. Therefore, this project seeks to explore the issue and compare the outcomes of patients receiving different care levels. Although the healthcare stakeholders have implemented different approaches to manage the issue, limited evidence exists confirming the effectiveness of endocrinology services over family practice services. Therefore, this study forms the foundation for determining the effectiveness of these services and exploring the needs and outcomes of the patients who receive endocrinology services compared to those educated and supervised by family practice providers. The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

Patient education, follow-up, and treatment support are critical for diabetes management and the prevention of complications. Therefore, the study will employ a retrospective study that will apply quantitative methods for patients exposed to or who received specialized endocrinologist services and those who were followed up, reviewed, and educated by family practice providers. The quantitative methods will explore the risks associated with HbA1C and determine how glycemic levels have been controlled over the past year. A 10% sampling goal is targeted for this project to generate adequate quantitative data that will allow the healthcare team to explore the problem and develop strategies for addressing the issue. The project will develop inferences based on the issue and develop strategic measures and approaches to address or handle the problem. The level of glycemic control will determine the effectiveness of the two advanced clinical services on glycemic control and design evidence-based foundations for diabetic clients.


Lin, X., Xu, Y., Pan, X., Xu, J., Ding, Y., Sun, X., Song, X., Ren, Y., & Shan, P.-F. (2020). Global, regional, and national burden and trend of diabetes in 195 countries and territories: An analysis from 1990 to 2025. Scientific Reports, 10(1). Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

Singer, M. E., Dorrance, K. A., Oxenreiter, M. M., Yan, K. R., & Close, K. L. (2022). The type 2 diabetes “modern preventable pandemic” and replicable lessons from the COVID-19 crisis. Preventive Medicine Reports, 25, 101636.

Zarora, R., Immanuel, J., Chivese, T., MacMillan, F., & Simmons, D. (2022). Effectiveness of integrated diabetes care interventions involving diabetes specialists working in primary and community care settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(0), 11.


The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a recommendation that all clinicians screen for obesity in children and adolescents over the age of six and offer or refer them to comprehensive, intensive, and behavioral interventions to promote improvements in weight status (USPSTF, 2017). This recommendation was released due to the growing epidemic of childhood obesity and the complications that can result in our future generations. This is a topic that has certainly sparked my interest. My researchable PICOT question is, “What percentage of patients ages 6-18 (P), are being routinely screened for obesity (I) in comparison to the national recommendation (C), to diagnose childhood obesity and provide proper interventions (O) during 4 months of observation (T)? The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

Being in my pediatric rotation, I have noticed the high prevalence of childhood obesity within their region. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that the national obesity rate among our youth rest at approximately 18.5% (The State of Obesity, 2019). After many discussions with my preceptor, he explained to me that not only is childhood obesity more prevalent within their community, but within the southern states in general. This automatically sparked an interest in me as to why this is. “Are we properly screening our youth for obesity?” “If we are screening, are we paying attention to the rising numbers in their BMI?” “Are we providing education or referrals for proper management when needed?” All of these are questions that I began thinking about. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2019)The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment, “If current trends continue the number of overweight or obese infants and young children globally will increase to 70 million by 2025.” This statistic terrifies me for our future generations. Obesity is not just having a little extra body fat. Obesity can lead to serious health conditions including hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. This is why I chose this topic to research. By doing so, I am hoping to make the clinic in which I am conducting my research, aware of the necessity behind screening and providing proper interventions when indicated.

To answer this question, I plan on performing a quantitative, non-experimental retrospective chart review within a family practice in rural Arkansas. According to the Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention (2019), Arkansas currently ranks fourth in the nation for the most obese adolescent students, with approximately 18% of students being obese. There are many forms of quantitative methodologies, however all quantitative research yields statistical analysis of some sort. A retrospective study looks at past documentation to gather information about a current phenomenon (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2019)The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment. I will review anywhere from 50-75 charts in a clinic in rural Arkansas. I will first look to see if this clinic properly screened children for obesity by obtaining a body mass index (BMI). I will then look for any documentation yielding proper interventions offered or referred for those who did screen positive for obesity (BMI >95th percentile). Once I have this data, I will formulate it into a chart and then compare it to the national average yielded in other evidence-based research. According to one study I have reviewed, approximately 88% of providers reported screening for obesity, with 64% of those providers offering some type of intervention or service, such as nutrition therapy and exercise services (Staiano et al, 2017). Once I have the necessary data from my research, I should be able to accurately compare it, showing me the compliance, this clinic has with the national recommendation.


Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention. (2019). Arkansas’ most preventable health problem:

Obesity. Retrieved from

Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment

A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Staiano, A., Marker, A., Liu, M., Hayden, E., Daniel, H., & Broyles, S. (2017). Childhood

obesity screening and treatment practices of pediatric healthcare providers. Louisiana State Medical Society, 169(1), 2-10. Retrieved from

The State of Obesity. (2019). Childhood obesity trends. Retrieved from


U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2017). Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2019). Retrieved from The Diabetes Management Essay Assignment