The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment

The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment

Creedal Response Paper:
“On the essential, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity.”

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2:1-2

The result of two councils (Nicaea 325 AD and Constantinople 381 AD), the Nicene creed is likely the most influential, unifying, and well-known belief statement of the universal communion of Christian believers. The first to obtain universal authority, it has served as a beacon for unity, gospel proclamation, and confessional faith. The Nicene Creed reminds us that we share more than we dissent. With this in mind, the student will complete a “Creedal Response Paper” (CRP) in which she/he will respond to only articles: 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11 of the 12 articles in the form of prompt and response The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment.


Each of the 6 responses should be between 6 and 8 sentences describing your personal understanding of the article. Each response should interact with relevant reading, and biblical sources. What I am not looking for is an information dump about how the article came to be or what conflicts it arose out of. I am looking for a response to the content of the article including any positions you might hold within the scope of each confession. Ex: Article 10 “I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.”
What might you say about the practice of baptism in general? What does it symbolize, if anything? What does it accomplish, if anything? What position might you take on whether credobaptism or pedobaptism is most appropriate in practice and application?

Article 5 – And the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures.

  • What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection for Christian theology?
  • How does the doctrine of resurrection relate to other Christian doctrines, such as the nature of God, the Trinity, and the concept of salvation?
  • Are there different interpretations of the resurrection of Jesus Christ

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a significant concept in Christian theology. This concept is central doctrine of the Christian faith as it is testament the power that Jesus has over death. Theology teachings show that the resurrection is proof that Jesus is the Son of God, and that he has the power to forgive sins and grant eternal life (Brasher 71). Paul, the Apostle, wrote that, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17). There is a close association and link between the doctrine of resurrection and several other Christian doctrines for example the nature of God, the Trinity, and the concept of salvation. This doctrine also reaffirms that God is a God of life and has the power to conquer death and bring about new life. On the concept of salvation, research has shown that it is intimately linked with resurrection which is regarded by Maxwell as the ultimate expression of God’s love and grace, as it demonstrates his willingness to forgive sin and offer eternal life to all who believe in Jesus Christ (3)The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment. Interpretations of the resurrection of Jesus Christ are numerous. This is particularly when it comes to the historical evidence and the nature of the resurrection. Christians hold the view that resurrection is not a historical fact, but rather a theological truth that is grounded in faith. Drawing from this, resurrection is a source of hope and joy for Christians because it represents the ultimate victory over sin and death.

Article 6 – And ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father.

  • What is the significance of ascension
  • What does it mean to be on the right and not the left hand?
  • What does sitting on the right hand accomplish
  • Who is the Father

The ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven is an important and significant concept in Christian theology as it marks the end of the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth and His return into heaven. The ascension marks the last step of the cycle of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and demonstrates that Jesus has returned to his rightful place as Lord and Savior. The hope for all Christians is that after the second coming of Christ and judgment, they will end up seating at the right hand of the Father which is perceived as a position of honor and authority. The right hand in Early Eastern culture where Christianity emerged, was considered the position of power and authority. Following this, the concept of sitting at the right hand of the Father implies that Jesus is in the position of ultimate power and authority and the position symbolizes his equality with God. Notably, sitting at the right hand accomplishes a number of milestones. One, it signifies the completion of the work of Jesus. Two, it affirms that Jesus is the mediator between God and humanity and that he prays and intervenes for all Christians to God. Three, it insists that Jesus has the ultimate authority over heaven and on earth. The word “Father” mentioned in the article refers to God the Father. God, in all Christian perceptions, is the first person of the Trinity (Brasher 112)The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment. The Trinity affirms that there is one God in three persons namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Article 7 – And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end.

  • What is the purpose of judgment?
  • What is the concept of everlasting and how does it apply to Christians?
  • What implication does the Day of Judgment have on Christians?

The literal meaning of Article 7 is the second coming of Jesus Christ. This second coming as narrated in the New Testament of the Bible is a central doctrine of the Christian faith. Ideally, this second coming will mark the end of the present age and the beginning of the age to come. In this new age as perceived by Christians, Jesus will reign as king over all creation (Wierzbicka 156). This judgment accompanying the return of Jesus will have an objective to evaluate each person’s life and determine their eternal destiny. Everlasting refers to the idea of eternal life. This concept too is a central tenet of the Christian faith who believe that those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior will receive the gift of eternal life. Delving deeper into the concept of everlasting life, Christians believe they will spend an eternity with God in heaven. Needless to say, this promise of everlasting life is pacifying and provides a lot of comfort and hope to all Christians as it assures them of their ultimate destiny and gives them a sense of purpose in this life. The Day of Judgment has a particular interest among Christians as it serves as a constant reminder that each person will be held accountable for their actions and will face the consequences of their choices. With this awareness, all Christians are wary of the punishment and rewards that await them during this special day. What’s more, the Day of Judgment also serves as a source of hope and assurance, as it provides Christians with the confidence that justice will ultimately be served and that God’s kingdom will prevail over all. The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment


Article 9 – And I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

  1. How does catholic and apostolic Churches differ from other churches?
  2. What is the significance of the phrase “one holy catholic and apostolic Church”
  • How does the belief in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church impact the daily lives of Christians and their understanding of the world?

Mentioned in this article is the phrase “one holy catholic and apostolic Church”. This statement means that it is important for there to be unity and continuity among all Christian Church. The insertion of the word “catholic” was deliberate and is picked from a Greek word “katholikos,” meaning whole. In this context, therefore, the phrase means that the church has a universal mission to everyone around the world (Whiting 39). “Apostolic”, on the other hand, is a word that refers to the belief by Christians that the Church is rooted in the teachings of the apostles of Jesus Christ. The phrase also seeks to distinguish the Christian Church from other religious traditions and denominations that have no historical roots or theological beliefs. Notably the Catholic Church is and has been the largest Christian denomination and this phrase has been traditionally used to emphasize its unity and continuity with the early Church. Mention must be made to the fact that the phrase emphasizes that the Church is not a collection of individual believers, but a single body of Christ united in its faith and mission (Wierzbicka 158)The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment. Importantly, the Church has a mission to spread the Gospel, and its teachings are rooted in the teachings of the apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The belief in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church reminds all Christians of the essential unity of the Church across time and space. In addition to this, it places emphasis on the importance of working together as a single body of Christ in a bid to accomplish the mission of spreading the Gospel to all people. Equally important is the fact that the belief in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church underscores the importance of tradition and the continuity of the Church’s teachings.

Article 10 – I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.

  1. What might you say about the practice of baptism in general?
  2. What does it symbolize?
  • What does it accomplish?
  1. What position might you take on whether credobaptism or pedobaptism is most appropriate in practice and application?

Baptism is a common practice and a central sacrament in Christianity. This act symbolizes initiation into the Christian faith and union with Christ. Brasher stated that baptism involves the use of water to symbolize the washing away of sin and the renewal of the individual through the power of the Holy Spirit (91). The practice symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus and the believer’s identification with him in his death and resurrection. Additionally, the practice also signifies the renewal of a believer through the power of the Holy Spirit. Once baptized, a believer is regarded to have entered into the Church, which is the body of Christ. Once a believer is baptized, they achieve a handful of things including marking the beginning of their journey of faith and commitment to follow Christ. It also shows the believer’s death to sin and their new life in Christ. Lastly, the practice signifies their union with the Church and their participation in the community of believers.

There has been ongoing debate over which between credobaptism and pedobaptism is appropriate. On the one hand, credobaptism, believer’s baptism, refers to baptizing those who have made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. On the other hand, pedobaptism, infant baptism, is the act of baptizing infants. The latter is done in the context of a Christian family or community (Wierzbicka 157)The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment. Proponents of credobaptism argue that baptism is a preserve for those who have made a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ. This group argues that this symbol loses its significance when performed on those who do not understand about their faith like little children. Quite the opposite, those who practice pedobaptism hold the view that baptism is a sign of belonging to the Christian community. This, therefore, justifies its extension to children.

Article 11 – And I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

  1. What is the Christian belief in the afterlife?
  2. What is the Christian view of heaven and hell?
  • How does the Christian belief in the afterlife impact the way that Christians live their lives in the present?
  1. How does the Christian belief in the afterlife compare and contrast with the beliefs of other religions or worldviews?

The belief by Christians in the afterlife is pegged on the concept of the resurrection of the dead and the hope of eternal life with God. The Christians believe that after they die, the souls of those who believed in Jesus Christ will enter into the presence of God and await the resurrection of the body at the end of time. The perception of heaven is that it is a place of splendor, eternal joy and communion with God (Wierzbicka 161). The Christians further believe that this is a place where no pain or suffering prevails. Quite the opposite, hell is perceived as a place of eternal punishment and separation from God. This will happen to those who do not believe in God and Jesus Christ and lived a life of ill and sins without repenting. The belief in the afterlife has a huge impact on the way Christians live. One, this belief gives Christians hope and perspective in the face of suffering and tribulations. As well, it reminds them that this life is temporary and that their ultimate hope lies in the life to come. The prevailing belief among Christians about the afterlife differs from other religions and worldviews in a number of ways. The Hindu, for example, believe in the concept of reincarnation. Reincarnation is explained by Whiting as an occurrence in the life of an erstwhile dead believer where their soul is reborn in a new body after death based on karma (206). Under Christianity, there is only one life and one resurrection. Another example is Islam where the prevailing belief is a paradise replete with sensual pleasures for the faithful. In complete contrast, Christianity emphasizes the joy of being in the presence of God himself The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment.


Works Cited

Brasher, Stephen H. A Rhetoric of Divinity: The Nicene Creed as Disciplined Discourse. Diss. University of Minnesota, 2017.

Maxwell, David. “The Nicene Creed in the church.” Concordia Journal 41.1 (2015): 3.

Whiting, Colin M. Documents from the Luciferians: in defense of the Nicene Creed. Vol. 43. SBL Press, 2019.

Wierzbicka, Anna. “The meaning of the Christian confession of faith: Explaining the Nicene Creed through universal human concepts.” Труды института русского языка им. ВВ Виноградова 2 (2020): 150-170 The Significance Of Jesus Resurrection For Christian Theology Assignment