Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment

Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment

Requirements and Guidelines
Download the required Milestone 2 Template Links to an external site.. Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR361 Milestone 2.docx.
Briefly state the patient scenario from the Milestone 1 assignment (I attached Milestone 1 assignment).
Include revisions, if required by Milestone 1 faculty feedback.
Identify (3) teaching areas to improve patient outcomes.
Information to be taught to the patient should include information about the m-Health app, safety guidelines, and how to interpret and act on the information that is provided. Remember to cite the m-Health app when appropriate in the Teaching Area (See template)Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment.
Use bullet points


Describe 3 ways you would determine and evaluate the success of the patient€™s use of the m-Health app.
Use bullet points
m-Health app citation and reference in APA format. See placement of these on the template.

Course Project Milestone 2 Template

Directions: Carefully review Course Project Milestone 2 Guidelines and rubric requirements.

Name: __________________________

Define the Approved Patient Scenario

The patient scenario is the case of a 54-year-old chronic pain patient who is dealing with daily pain and discomfort. After visiting the doctor for a checkup, the patient is recommended to start a regular exercise routine of 15-20 minutes of low-impact activities such as walking or yoga, to incorporate healthy foods into their diet, and to look into alternative therapies such as massage, acupuncture, or mindfulness meditation to help manage their pain. He is also encouraged to speak to a therapist about developing a plan for managing stress and living a balanced lifestyle. The patient is made aware of existing m-Health apps that could be resourceful in guiding them to good health Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment.

Identify Teaching Areas related to the m-Health app


  • Information on the causes of pain
  • Pain management techniques
  • Different OTC medications for pain management
  • Exercise routine
  • Coping strategies
  • Monitoring and tracking pain
  • Nutritional and lifestyle modification
  • Mental health wellness

Safety features/guidelines provided by the m-Health app:

  • Encryption of personal data
  • Secure storage of user information
  • Verification of user identity
  • Regular security updates and patches
  • Option to connect with licensed healthcare professionals
  • Providing resources for stress management and mental health
  • Option to anonymously report any suspicious or harmful behavior. Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment

Interpret and act on the information in the m-Health app:

  • Simple viewing features
  • Self-care reflections
  • Share information with healthcare professionals and family

Determine and Evaluate Success (3)

  • Easily navigates the app
  • Able to engage with licensed healthcare providers
  • Easily tracks pain levels and takes medications as appropriate
  • Occasionally makes self-care reflections
  • Successfully sets up a personal diet and exercise routine

mHealth app Reference

Pain Coach App. (2022). The Pain Coach – Apps on Google Play.  Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment

Course Project Milestone 1: Chronic Pain Patient

As the healthcare provider for an elderly patient suffering from chronic pain, it is important to consider all options for optimizing their health and well-being. One such option is the use of digital technology, specifically mHealth apps. In the case study below, a 54-year-old chronic pain patient is presented to the clinic and the task ahead for the provider is to determine an appropriate way to treat and manage her illness. The purpose of this suggestion is to introduce an existing mHealth app that has the potential to alleviate the patient’s chronic pain and improve their overall health.

Patient Scenario

A 54-year-old chronic pain patient struggles with daily pain and discomfort and wants to maintain or improve their overall health. The patient visits their doctor for a checkup and is recommended to start a regular exercise routine of 15-20 minutes of low-impact activities, such as walking or yoga, and to incorporate healthy foods into their diet (Clauw et al. (2019)Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment. The patient is also advised to look into alternative therapies such as massage, acupuncture, or mindfulness meditation to help manage their pain and to speak to a therapist about developing a plan for managing stress and living a balanced lifestyle. Given this, the patient is made aware of existing mHealth apps that could be resourceful in guiding them to good health.

Patient Education/Teaching Plan

The plan for teaching this patient will start by going over the suggested lifestyle modifications. Next, the nurse will describe the advantages of frequent exercise, nutritious eating, and activities for mindfulness and how they can help mitigate chronic pain. The nurse would then give the patient resources for locating low-impact activities, nutritious recipes, and meditation applications and then assist them in establishing achievable objectives for integrating these activities into their routine and providing the patient with guidance and support. This would then be followed by a review of the various mHealth apps accessible and assist the patient in selecting the one that best suits their needs. Lastly, an explanation and guidance on managing stress and creating a plan to attain a balanced lifestyle would be provided. The nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn for this patient would include an evaluation of their current lifestyle habits, physical activity level, and knowledge about nutrition and mindfulness activities (Clauw et al. (2019)Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment. An evaluation of the patient’s willingness to change their lifestyle and the resources available to help make these changes would be done to determine the level of commitment expected from them.

Description of mHealth app

The Pain Coach app could be a great resource for a chronic pain patient who wants to maintain good health. The app features various tools and resources to help patients manage their chronic pain. These tools and resources include a personalized pain diary, educational resources, relaxation techniques, physical activity tracking, and more (Devan et al., 2019). Other features that are contained in the Pain Coach app is a built-in community of peers and health professionals who are available to provide support, advice, and resources. From a nursing and medical point of view, this could be a great source of motivation for patients to stick to their pain management plan and stay on track with their health goals. Notably, the Pain Coach app is resourceful, especially for chronic pain patients, as it motivates and aids them to stay connected to their healthcare providers and keep them informed about their progress.

It is intended for those who suffer from chronic pain and their family members, friends, and healthcare providers. This app is available on Android and is accessible through this link;  The app is designed to help individuals manage their pain, track their progress, and stay connected to their healthcare providers. Pain management is an important part of health care, yet only a minority of people with chronic pain receive the treatment they need. This app provides users with a convenient and accessible way to track their pain levels, record their symptoms, and communicate with their healthcare providers. It also helps them stay motivated and on track with their treatment plan. With the Pain Coach App, users can set goals, track progress, and be reminded to take their medications on time. Through the app, they can also get information about their condition, learn about treatments, and connect with others who understand what they’re going through. Arguably, by providing an easy-to-use platform for pain management, the Pain Coach App helps users to take control of their health and live a better quality of life Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment.



Clauw, D. J., Essex, M. N., Pitman, V., & Jones, K. D. (2019). Reframing chronic pain as a disease, not a symptom: rationale and implications for pain management. Postgraduate Medicine131(3), 185-198.

Devan, H., Farmery, D., Peebles, L., & Grainger, R. (2019). Evaluation of self-management support functions in apps for people with persistent pain: systematic review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth7(2), e13080. Case Study For Patient Suffering From Chronic Pain Assignment