NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper

NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper

This is a 10slide power point on Discussion posts used as an assessment method. Provide an overview of discussions, the type of material that could be assessed, advantages, disadvantages, and how to develop a discussion post. Give 3 examples of discussion posts. Have a reference page.

NURS 6330 Evaluation of Learning

Assessment Method PowerPoint Presentation Assignment NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper


Develop a 10-slide narrated presentation on an assigned assessment method. Please see posted instructions for how to create a narrated presentation. In your presentation, give an overview of the assessment method, what type of material it could be used to assess, advantages, disadvantages, and how to develop. Also develop 3 examples of the assessment method assigned. Include an additional reference slide.

  • Give an accurate and complete overview of assessment method.
  • Provide at least 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages to using the assessment method.
  • Provide an explanation on how to develop or use the assessment method
  • Provide 3 examples of the assessment method and in what ways can the method be used in evaluation.
  • Appropriate narration must be used.
  • Provide 3 or more references to support your presentation. All information should be on the reference slide.
  • Use professional writing; presentation is free from errors, information is accurate, images are appropriately and aesthetically used NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper.

To achieve the best results with discussions as an assessment method it is important to combine them with other forms of assessment such as selected response, performance assessment, and written response. Incorporating discussion in the teaching process also improves their effectiveness as an assessment method.

The best discussion assessment models are when the teacher is a discussant instead of being the originator of all the discussion questions. During the discussion raw knowledge, thoughts, and opinions can be presented and analyzed freely concerning the subject matter and students can ask each other questions and respond to questions posed by others. Students can also share their individual experiences about the topic of discussion helping to improve the learning outcomes NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper.

In addition to helping shift the authority of instruction from the teacher or textbook they lead to more communal learning and they ensure that learners are more actively involved in the learning process. Students also feel more motivated to learn since they get a chance to express their thoughts, opinions, and experiences about the subject matter, and through such forums, teachers get better insights into their learner’s capabilities, interests, and thought processes.

In addition to not being appropriate for all assessment needs, being only applicable when students understand the content, and not favoring shy or reserved students, during the discussion sessions the teacher may lose control of the class which leads to digressing from the topic or the student losing focus of the learning process.

In general, discussion assessment methods are highly flexible and adaptable to different learning environments and they allow the teacher to take charge of the assessment processes. As such the teacher has the freedom to choose how the discussion sessions will be conducted and how to score the assessment NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper.

Case study analysis discussions are particularly valuable in training of nurses. They give trainee nurses to gauge their understanding of particular care scenarios. They can also be used to gauge the ability of learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses in comprehension of patient care cases or scenarios.

In the training of nurses topic discussion assessment can help assessors determine the ability of students to understand important concepts they learn in the classroom. They help students to jog their memory on the topics learned helping them to maintain a firm grasp of concepts they are taught NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper.


Over time reflective discussions have proven their value in improving learning outcomes especially for trainee nurses who get a chance to provide their inputs on the concepts they have learned.

To obtain the best assessment results it’s important to combine discussions with other methods of assessment. Nurse training is a dynamic and robust experience which requires the adoption of different assessment methods to gauge the understanding of the learners on the concepts and subject matter of their nurse training NURS 6330 Evaluation Of Learning Assignment Paper