Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper

Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper

Randomized Control Trial Appraisal Discussion

  1. What is the aim/s of the study?

The objective of the study is to design, execute, and evaluate an educational program to enhance compliance with tuberculosis treatment.

  1. What were the inclusion and exclusion selection criteria?

The eligibility criteria for participation in the study are: (1) individuals receiving a complete tuberculosis treatment regimen for one or two months prior to the study date, (2) those with tuberculosis who are capable of providing informed consent and participating in the educational intervention without difficulty or requiring assistance, (3) patients who agree to complete the entire study, (4) individuals 18 years or older. Participants who will not be included in the study are those with a prior history of severe and uncontrolled psychiatric disorders, those who cannot read and write in Arabic, and those who are not undergoing a full tuberculosis treatment course Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper.


  • Were the subjects randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups?

The participants of the study were assigned to the two groups, experimental and control, randomly.

  1. Were researchers, participants, and healthcare professionals involved in the study blinded to the intervention?

The study did not utilize blinding. Participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group or the control group, with the intervention group receiving a 2-hour session during a one-day tuberculosis education program. The control group educational materials after the conclusion of the trial (RCT)Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper.

  1. Does the report have an adequate description of the intervention and control?

The report provides an adequate description of the intervention and control. The intervention group – a two-hour session daily TB educational intervention. Control group – the same materials after the RCT has been completed.

  1. What are the main findings of the study?

The primary outcomes of the study indicate that a 2-hour educational program results in enhanced compliance with tuberculosis treatment, higher quality of life, increased knowledge about tuberculosis, and strengthened health beliefs.

  • Are the outcomes clinically relevant?

The outcome of the study is clinically relevant as the findings provide information on the efficacy of an educational intervention in improving adherence to TB treatment and other important outcomes.


Khamis, K. M., Kadir Shahar, H., Abdul Manaf, R., & Hamdan, H. M. (2022). Effectiveness of education intervention of tuberculosis treatment adherence in Khartoum State: A study protocol for a randomized control trial. Plos one17(11), e0277888. Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper

Randomized Control Trial Appraisal Discussion

Top of Form

Follow the instructions below to complete the discussion:

  1. Search for and correctly identify a randomized control trial (RCT) article. (The article should describe a single research study. Be careful not to choose a systematic review or meta-analysis).
    • Access a database through the University Libraries such as CINAHL or PubMed.
  1. Include the APA-formatted reference of the article.
  2. Answer the following questions regarding the assigned article:
    • What is the aim(s) of the study? Are the aims clearly stated?
    • What were the inclusion and exclusion selection criteria for the study participants?
    • Were the subjects randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups?
    • Were researchers, participants, and health care professionals involved in the study blinded to the intervention?
    • Does the report have an adequate description of the intervention and control?
    • What are the main findings of the study? Are the outcomes clinically relevant? Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper

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Module 3 Discussion: Randomized Control Trial Appraisal Discussion Activity Scoring Rubric

Expectations Points Possible
Content of Assignment

Answer the following questions, regarding the research article:

What is the aim/s of the study?

Are the aims clearly stated? 10
What were the inclusion and exclusion selection criteria for the study participants? 10
Were the subjects randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups? 10
Were researchers, participants, and healthcare professionals involved in the study blinded to the intervention? 10
Does the report have an adequate description of the intervention and control? 10
What are the main findings of the study? 10
Are the outcomes clinically relevant? 10
Respond to two classmates using the ABC method. 10
Formatting Miscellaneous

·         Uses APA 7th edition format, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

·         References within last five years unless historical publications needed.

·         Adheres to 400-word limit for assignment Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper.

Total 100
About this activity:

Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are typically experimental studies in which subjects are randomly assigned to groups, one being assigned to an experimental group, while another is assigned to a control group. They usually involve large diverse samples (ideally in more than one setting). RCTs represent advanced testing of interventions, but not all experimental studies are RCTs. Because of the randomization, the experiment has high internal validity, so the researcher can draw conclusions regarding the effects of treatment.


The purpose of the RCT Critical Appraisal Discussion is to prepare nurses with the competencies to rapidly appraise experimental research for use in bedside patient care. In addition to the course and module objectives listed above, completion of this activity will also allow you to:

  • Correctly identify a randomized clinical research study (or randomized control trial [RCT]) related to a health or clinical problem of interest.
  • Critically appraise the selected RCT based on the appraisal criteria.
  • Discuss how the results of the study are clinically relevant Tuberculosis Treatment Discussion Paper