Reducing The Spread Of Nosocomial Infections Assignment Paper

Reducing The Spread Of Nosocomial Infections Assignment Paper

Hand hygiene is a critical component in reducing the spread of nosocomial infections in healthcare settings. The use of alcohol-based hand-rubs has been shown to be more effective in killing germs compared to traditional hand washing with water and soap. The aim of this presentation is to propose an evidence-based practice (EBP) change for a healthcare organization, advocating for the adoption of alcohol-based hand-rubs and training clinical staff on the importance of hand hygiene Reducing The Spread Of Nosocomial Infections Assignment Paper


I work in a primary care organization. The organization is a community-based healthcare provider dedicated to delivering high-quality, patient-centered care. We value a collaborative and innovative approach to healthcare and strive to stay at the forefront of industry developments. The organizational culture is one that is supportive of change and open to new ideas and best practices. Also, we are confident that our team is ready to embrace and implement proposed EBP changes, with a focus on ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.

The evidence based practice idea for change is modelled in a PICOT question format: Does the use of alcohol-based hand rubs compared to traditional hand washing with soap and water reduce the incidence of nosocomial infection within one year? Reducing The Spread Of Nosocomial Infections Assignment Paper

Stakeholders involved include healthcare workers, patients, and healthcare organizations. Implementation of this best practice will affect all staff within the organization, making it important to involve all relevant stakeholders in the process.

There are several risks associated with the implementation of this best practice, including resistance to change from staff, lack of understanding of the importance of hand hygiene, and inadequate resources for education and training. To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to provide comprehensive education and training to all staff and to involve them in the decision-making process to ensure buy-in and adherence to the new practice

It is proposed that a first step to the dissemination strategy be internal education and training of staff. This involves comprehensive education and training including hands-on demonstration and practice of the new hand hygiene practice.

The second is leadership support. It is important to convince a buy-in from leadership and involve them in promoting and reinforcing the new practice among staff because through their positions they will instill and influence the EBP practices.

The third is the development of a communication plan. A clear and consistent communication plan will be developed to keep staff informed and updated on the progress and success of the new practice Reducing The Spread Of Nosocomial Infections Assignment Paper.

The last step is monitoring and evaluation of staff to observe their degree of new change adoption. This involves regularly monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the new practice and make any necessary adjustments.

Notably, this dissemination strategy is a multi-faceted approach because it addresses various factors that can impact the success of an EBP change, such as staff buy-in, understanding, and adherence to the new practice.


The implementation of an EBP change focused on promoting the use of alcohol-based hand rubs as a means of reducing the incidence of nosocomial infections has the potential to greatly improve patient outcomes and positively impact the healthcare organization as a whole. Providing a comprehensive education and training, involving leadership and staff, and consistently monitoring and evaluating progress increases the likelihood of successful implementation and long-term adherence to the new practice. This EBP change has the potential to significantly reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections and ultimately improve patient outcomes, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our organization and the patients we serve Reducing The Spread Of Nosocomial Infections Assignment Paper