The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper

The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper

To Prepare:

Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.
The Assignment: (2-3 pages not including the title and reference page)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps: The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper


Planning and requirements definition
Design of the new system
Post-implementation support
Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.
Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

Planning and Requirements Definition

A graduate nurse would be responsible for participating in the implementation team and playing a role in the planning and requirements definition stage of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). In this stage, the nurse would be responsible for making sure that the new system addresses the needs of healthcare professionals and patients. One of the key responsibilities would be gathering and defining requirements for the new system. According to Orhan (2019)The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper, doing this would involve working with the team to identify user requirements, functional and technical specifications, and testing criteria. The nurse would also ensure that the new system integrates with existing healthcare practices and processes and complies with regulatory standards.


As a graduate-level nurse participating in the implementation team, an important role that would be played is the responsibility of collaborating with the team to analyze the requirements and determine the best solution for the new system. Part of this would be providing insight into clinical processes and patient needs to inform the design and implementation of the system (Brown et al., 2020)The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper. Furthermore, the nurse’s expertise in healthcare practices and processes would he highly invaluable in ensuring the new system is effective and efficient for both healthcare professionals and patients. When these graduate nurses contribute their knowledge and experience, they effectively play a key role in guaranteeing the success of the new system and its integration into existing healthcare processes.

Design of the New System

In the design stage of the SDLC, the role played would involve reviewing and providing feedback on the design of the system. The graduate nurse would work with the implementation team to check that the design of the new system meets clinical needs and enhances patient care. In order for this to happen, the nurse would participate in user acceptance testing and providing feedback to refine the design. Further, the clinical expertise that the graduate nurses possess would come in handy in understanding of patient needs and in making certain that the design is both functional and practical.


Graduate-level nurses are involved in the implementation process of the SDLC stages.  Their role at this stage involves helping with the rollout of new systems. Specifically, the graduate nurses make sure that the system is integrated with existing healthcare practices and processes, and provide training and support to users to guarantee a smooth transition (Dhanvijay & Patil, 2019)The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper. Providing support and guidance to users of the system by the nurses is a crucial role in ensuring the success of the implementation process.

Post-Implementation Support

In the implementation team, the graduate nurse will have important responsibilities related to the post-implementation support stage of the SDLC. The nurse would provide ongoing support and training to users of the new system to ensure it continues to meet clinical needs and enhance patient care. The nurses will further contribute to the continuous improvement activities aimed at optimizing the performance of the new system. According to McMurtrey (2013)The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper, actions such as these are resourceful in promoting the success of a new system and benefit both healthcare professionals and patients.

A keen participation in each of these stages leads a graduate-level nurse to impact the success of the implementation by ensuring the new system meets the needs of healthcare professionals and enhances patient care. Their clinical expertise and understanding of patient needs inform the design and implementation of the system.



Brown, J., Pope, N., Bosco, A. M., Mason, J., & Morgan, A. (2020). Issues affecting nurses’ capability to use digital technology at work: an integrative review. Journal of clinical nursing29(15-16), 2801-2819.

Dhanvijay, M. M., & Patil, S. C. (2019). Internet of Things: A survey of enabling technologies in healthcare and its applications. Computer Networks153, 113-131.

McMurtrey, M. E. (2013). A case study of the application of the systems development life cycle (sdlc) in 21st century health care: Something old, something new? The Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems1(1), 14-25.

Orhan, I. (2019). Use of health technologies by nurses and their thoughts on technology. International Journal of Caring Sciences12(1), 416-422 The Steps Of The Systems Development Life Cycle Assignment Paper