Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment

Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment

In 450–500 words, address the following:

Learning From Experiences

Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.
Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?
What did you learn from this experience?
What resources did you have available?
What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?
What new skills are you learning?
What would you do differently? Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment
How are you managing patient flow and volume?
Communicating and Feedback

Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.
Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?
Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor.


Critical Reflection

Goals and Objectives

I achieved my goal of gaining hands-on experience in treating patients with common mental disorders to a high degree. I was able to observe and assist in various therapeutic interventions and apply my knowledge in a clinical setting. My objective of learning how to effectively communicate with patients and their families was partially achieved. I struggled at times with building rapport and actively listening to the patients, but I have taken note of these areas and plan to improve in the future.

Most challenging patients

  • Patient 1: The most challenging aspect of treating Patient 1, who was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, was managing their severe symptoms of depression and low motivation. To address this, I used cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to challenge negative thoughts and increase positive self-talk. I also provided psychoeducation on the importance of self-care and encouraged the patient to engage in physical activity.
  • Patient 2: The most challenging aspect of treating Patient 2, who was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, was managing their high levels of anxiety and fear. To address this, I used exposure therapy to help the patient gradually face and overcome their fears (Abbass et al., 2021). I also provided relaxation techniques and taught the patient mindfulness skills.
  • Patient 3: The most challenging aspect of treating Patient 3, who was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), was managing their repetitive and intrusive thoughts. To address this, I used exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy to help the patient learn to resist their compulsions and face their obsessions (Niles et al., 2020)Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment. I also provided psychoeducation on the nature of OCD and its treatment.

What was learned from the experience

I learned the importance of building rapport and establishing a therapeutic alliance with patients in order to effectively treat their mental health concerns. I gained a deeper understanding of common mental disorders and the evidence-based practices used to treat them. I learned the value of self-reflection and ongoing self-improvement in order to provide the best care possible for patients.

Resources available

During the practicum, I had access to a variety of resources, including textbooks, online articles, and case studies. I also had the opportunity to work with a highly experienced and knowledgeable Preceptor who provided guidance and support throughout the experience.

Evidence-based practices used

Throughout the practicum, I used various evidence-based practices such as CBT, exposure therapy, mindfulness, and psychoeducation. I also incorporated the use of therapeutic techniques such as active listening, empathy, and rapport-building to establish a strong therapeutic alliance with patients.

New skills learned

During the practicum, I developed new skills in utilizing various evidence-based practices for the treatment of common mental disorders. I also improved my ability to communicate effectively with patients and their families, as well as my overall clinical skills.

What would be done differently

In hindsight, I would have focused more on self-reflection and seeking feedback from my Preceptor in order to identify areas for improvement earlier on. I would also have made a greater effort to engage in self-care and manage my own stress levels in order to better support my patients.

Managing patient flow and volume

During the practicum, I managed patient flow and volume by prioritizing patient appointments and effectively utilizing my time in between appointments to review patient information and prepare for the next session. I also sought guidance from my Preceptor on how to manage a high volume of patients and maintain high-quality care.

Improving skills and knowledge

To improve my skills and knowledge, I plan to continue reading and staying up-to-date on current research and best practices in the field of psychiatry. I also plan to seek regular feedback from my Preceptor and actively seek out new learning opportunities.

Communicating with Preceptor

To communicate my efforts to improve my skills and knowledge to my Preceptor, I plan to regularly seek feedback and discuss my goals and objectives with them. I will also actively seek out opportunities for constructive criticism.


Abbass, A., Kisely, S., Kroenke, K., & Dornheim, L. (2021). Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies for common mental disorders. The Cochrane Library, 1-85.

Niles, B., Klonsky, E. D., & Mittal, V. (2020). The role of values and motivations in psychotherapy outcome. Psychotherapy, 57(1), 67-76. Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment

Practicum Experience Plan

Part 2: Individualized Practicum Learning Objectives


Objective 1: <write your objective here> (Note: this objective should relate to a specific skill you would like to improve from your self-assessment)

 Planned Activities: Recognizing clinical signs and symptoms of bipolar, depression, anxiety, trauma, dissociative, sleep-wake disorder, and schizophrenia in 3 months Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment

Mode of Assessment: Criterion-referenced assessment

 PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed:

  • Able to apply the knowledge that I acquired in class to my practices
  • Able to recognize the signs and come up with a plan
  • Able to diagnose each illness

Objective 2: <write your objective here> (Note: this objective should relate to a specific skill you would like to improve from your self-assessment)

 Planned Activities: Provide comprehensive family psychiatric-mental health education throughout the clinical

 Mode of Assessment: Criterion-referenced assessment

 PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed:


  • Able to educate clients on necessary awareness and resources
  • Promote clients’ efforts for treatment and recovery
  • Get more professional experience while educating clients

 Objective 3: <write your objective here> (Note: this objective should relate to a specific skill you would like to improve from your self-assessment)

 Planned Activities: Implement the correct screening instrument for each psychiatric illness throughout the clinical practice

Mode of Assessment: Criterion-referenced assessment

 PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed:

  • Able to use appropriate screening instrument on different psychiatric illness
  • Able to screen client illness
  • Be familiar with screening instruments


Part 3: Projected Timeline/Schedule

Estimate how many hours you expect to work on your Practicum each week. *Note: All of your hours and activities must be supervised by your Preceptor and completed onsite. Your Preceptor will approve all hours, but your activities will be approved by both your Preceptor and Instructor. Any changes to this plan must be approved.

This timeline is intended as a planning tool; your actual schedule may differ from the projections you are making now.

I intend to complete the 144 or 160 Practicum hours (as applicable) according to the following timeline/schedule. I also understand that I must see at least 80 patients during my practicum experience. I understand that I may not complete my practicum hours sooner than 8 weeks. I understand I may not be in the practicum setting longer than 8 hours per day unless pre-approved by my faculty.

  Number of Clinical Hours Projected for Week (hours you are in Practicum Setting at your Field Site) Number of Weekly Hours for Professional Development (these are not practicum hour) Number of Weekly Hours for Practicum Coursework (these are not practicum hours)
Week 1 16 10 10
Week 2 16 10 10
Week 3 16 10 10
Week 4 16 10 10
Week 5 16 10 10
Week 6 16 10 10
Week 7 16 10 10
Week 8 16 10 10
Week 9 16 10 10
Week 10 16 10 10
Week 11   10 10
Total Hours (must meet the following requirements) 144 or 160 Hours    

Critical Reflection About Common Mental Disorders Assignment