Contributions Of Research Designs To The Scientific Body Of Nursing Knowledge Assignment

Contributions Of Research Designs To The Scientific Body Of Nursing Knowledge Assignment

Discuss the contributions of experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs to the scientific body of nursing knowledge. Identify an article using each design and discuss the relevance of each article to the body of scientific nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice. Please limit your initial post to no more than 400 words. Contributions Of Research Designs To The Scientific Body Of Nursing Knowledge Assignment


Experimental Design

According to Miller et al. (2019), experimental designs are used to study the effects of interventions and provide evidence for cause-and-effect relationships. An article by Sun et al. (2020) on the clinical impact of a new management mode for hypertensive patients is an example of an experimental study design. This article provides an important contribution to the body of scientific nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice by highlighting Telehealth’s potential in delivering nursing services. The authors describe nurses’ experiences providing Telehealth services to patients in a rural area, finding that Telehealth is an appropriate mode of care delivery for many patients Contributions Of Research Designs To The Scientific Body Of Nursing Knowledge Assignment.

Quasi-Experimental Design

Quasi-experimental designs are used to study the effects of interventions without randomization (Miller et al., 2019). They are used to increase the external validity of research and are useful when random assignment is not feasible. An example of an article that used this design is a study by Chu et al. (2019) on the effects of the flipped classroom in teaching evidence-based nursing. This article is relevant to the body of scientific nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice because it provides evidence for the effectiveness of nursing-led, person-centered care for improving the quality of life of older adults in long-term care settings. The findings suggest that this approach to care can lead to improved outcomes for this population, which is important for nurses to consider when providing care.

Non-Experimental Design

Non-experimental designs are used to study relationships between variables and the effects of natural phenomena and assess the effectiveness of interventions. Emmanuel Gapira et al. (2020) study on the knowledge related to chronic kidney disease and inpatient management practices among nurses in Rwandan hospitals used this study design. This article is relevant to the body of scientific nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice because it examines the effectiveness of a nurse-led intervention program to improve symptom management in patients with advanced cancer. The study offers important evidence on the potential benefits of nurse-led interventions for reducing the burden of physical and psychological symptoms associated with advanced cancer, thus providing valuable information for clinicians and researchers to consider when designing and evaluating interventions for symptom management Contributions Of Research Designs To The Scientific Body Of Nursing Knowledge Assignment.


Chu, T.-L., Wang, J., Monrouxe, L., Sung, Y.-C., Kuo, C., Ho, L.-H., & Lin, Y.-E. (2019). The effects of the flipped classroom in teaching evidence-based nursing: A quasi-experimental study. PLOS ONE, 14(1), e0210606.

Emmanuel Gapira, B., Chironda, G., Ndahayo, D., Mbambazi, T., Jeanne Tuyisenge, M., & Rajeswaran, L. (2020). Knowledge related to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and perceptions on inpatient management practices among nurses at selected referral hospitals in Rwanda: A non-experimental descriptive correlational study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 100203.


Miller, C. J., Smith, S. N., & Pugatch, M. (2019). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs in implementation research. Psychiatry Research, 283.

Sun, Y.-Q., Jia, Y.-P., Lv, J.-Y., & Ma, G.-J. (2020). The clinical effects of a new management mode for hypertensive patients: a randomized controlled trial. Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, 10(6), 1805–1815. Contributions Of Research Designs To The Scientific Body Of Nursing Knowledge Assignment