The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion

The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion

Look at Romans 3.19-26 in the translations below and make some observations about how the arrangement of the phrase “apart from the law” (v. 21) changes the overall point of the verse.

But now apart from the law the righteousness of God which is attested by the law and the prophets has been disclosed
But now the righteousness of God which is attested by the law and the prophets has been disclosed apart from the law The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx). If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment.



For many years, the Bible has gone through multiple translations. From the initial language of Hebrew, the bibles have been translated into almost all world languages, with English being one of the most translated languages. Most of the bible versions in English often have different grammar approaches. Having other translation techniques has sometimes made it hard for bible readers to focus on the primary message since they get confused about the direct information conveyed by one version and another (Simanjuntak et al., 2021, pp70-75)The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion. Focusing on the book of Romans 3:19-26, the phrase “apart from the law” has been placed in a different part of the text and thus shows another message from another. This article will dwell on the translation difference between the two versions’ information and their impacts.

The two Biblical translations shown are based on the exact Greek source text but have different word choices and sentence structures. “But now apart from the law the righteousness of God which is attested by the law and the prophets has been disclosed,” the other reads, “But now the righteousness of God which is attested by the law and the prophets has been disclosed apart from the law.” Although the two translations first appear equivalent, there are nuances in meaning that result from the different word orders.

The difference between the two versions lies in positioning the phrase “apart from the law.” For instance, in the first version, the word has greater prominence. The initial placement of the phrase in the first part of the sentence emphasizes the idea that God’s righteousness is being revealed independently of the law. Therefore, it is possible to have a possible interpretation of the text that the righteousness of God is being shown in a way that is separate from the law but still attested to by the law and the prophets. The interpretation only points to the righteousness of God, not how justice is attained. Contrary to the second translation, the phrase “apart from the law” is placed at the end of the sentence hence showing less emphasis. For example, the sentence now interprets that God’s righteousness is being revealed in a way that is by and does not depend on it. The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion

Translation serves the primary function of helping readers understand the most critical information in the text. Having the phrase in different positions of the test in two different versions only helps the reader focus more on how the righteousness of God is achieved and conveyed to his followers. Secondly, the translation of the Bible depended on the interpreter’s direction on their understanding of the text. Finally, translation may also be overlooked and thought to maintain the initial message the writer intended to pass to the readers (Simanjuntak et al., 2021, pp70-75)The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion.


both translations of the Bible passage communicate the same message, with the difference in emphasis on the phrase “apart from the law.” This example highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of language and how slight differences in word order can change the emphasis and meaning of a sentence. It is also a reminder that when studying religious texts, it is essential to consider multiple translations and interpretations to gain a deeper understanding of the message.

Work Cited

Simanjuntak, Marudut Bernadtua, Marthin Steven Lumingkewas, and Sutrisno Sutrisno. “ANALYSIS OF TANGIANG ALE AMANAMI (OUR FATHER) USING THE TECHNIQUES OF TRANSLATION.” JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES 4.2. (2021): 70-75.


Look at Romans 3.19-26 in the translations below and make some observations about how the arrangement of the phrase “apart from the law” (v. 21) changes the overall point of the verse.

But now apart from the law the righteousness of God which is attested by the law and the prophets has been disclosed But now the righteousness of God which is attested by the law and the prophets has been disclosed apart from the law

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx). If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment The Impact Of Bible Translation Essay Discussion