The Righteousness Of The Law Perspectives Essay Discussion

The Righteousness Of The Law Perspectives Essay Discussion

Discuss the differences between the New Perspective’s view of “righteousness of the law” and that of the traditional perspective. What are the implications of the new view?

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx). If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment The Righteousness Of The Law Perspectives Essay Discussion.


The differences between the New Perspective view of righteousness of the law and that of the traditional perspective

The new perspective of the law is one of the hotly debated topics in the Christian world where Paul is in the center of the debates. The new perspective has led to a very controversial topic which has on one hand became the source of salvation to some people and a source of controversy concerning Christianity on others. The new perspective emphasizes on Paul’s position on righteousness and justification, which refers to the act of making one right with God and how this affects the joining of the gentiles and Jews within Judaism. This paper will helps expound on the differences between the New Perspective view of righteousness of the law and that of the traditional perspective as well as highlight the intention of Paul’s doctrine of righteousness.

It is important to note that the main difference between the two perspectives is based on how righteousness and justification is gained. Based on the teachings of Paul and those of the new perspective, faith is the key factor to salvation. Further, the old perspective is based on the works of the law for Jews to get salvation. Paul further argues that the gentiles and the Jews are both justified through Jesus Christ by their faith. The Righteousness Of The Law Perspectives Essay Discussion

In addition, the new perspective concerning Paul is based on the reaction to the reformation perspective on Paul and is intended to create an in-depth understanding of the early church. Further, this perspective seeks to reconcile the various scholars in the bible based on theology and hence develop a common concept that binds Protestants and Catholics. The new perspective further puts the trust in Gods deeds which have been fulfilled through Jesus Christ which points to the works of the law as covenant markers. The work of the law further designates Israel as a people chosen by God.

The new perspective further aims at introducing a new interpretation of the writings of Paul in his letters to the Christian faith. The new and traditional perspectives arise due to the differences in beliefs among scholars and historians. The new perspective challenges the traditional view of the writings of Paul while initiating debates concerning Martin Luther’s Lutheran faith on Judaism and righteousness. The believers of the new perspective intend to remove some of the ideas proposed by Martin Luther’s reformations that are embraced by Lutherans. The Righteousness Of The Law Perspectives Essay Discussion

Further, the new perspective defines the works of the law as defined by Paul as a constituent of three boundary markers that include circumcision, Sabbath and food law. In this perspective, Paul argues that the old protestant understanding of rigorousness is mistaken and hence opposes the Jewish boundary markers outlined earlier among the people of the New Testament. One view in the new perspective is that justification is by faith.


Implications of the new perspective to Christianity

First, the authors of the new perspective agree that justification is not the old protestant view of the same. Second, the new perspective authors agree that Paul didn’t argue against a legalistic works-righteousness but rather accepts Sanders’s covenantal nomism. Also, the authors agree that the context of Paul’s teachings about justification was his intended mission towards the Gentiles. Lastly, the new perspective authors unanimously agree that the works of the law is used to define the three boundary markers by the Jews that include circumcision, the Sabbath and food laws The Righteousness Of The Law Perspectives Essay Discussion