Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Essay Discussion

Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Essay Discussion

How does Paul’s treatment of Israel relate to his presentation of the gospel in Romans?

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx)Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Essay Discussion. If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment.

How Does Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Relate To His Presentation Of The Gospel In Romans?

Paul, I was a well-known apostle due to his way or ministry methods which included personal visits, letters of direction, and the mission of the lieutenant (). Paul was driven by the belief that the God of Israel was the true God responsible for redeeming the Israelites from Egypt’s bondage, giving them the law, and sending his Son Jesus Christ to save the world. His work and impact go beyond Israel, including his contributions as a letter writer, apostle, and theologian. His work contributed immensely to expanding the church too far and vast territories embracing the Gentiles and fighting for his conviction that the gospel was for all people, including the Gentiles Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Essay Discussion.


His relations and treatment of Israel defined his understanding, ministry evolution, and relationship with the Romans. To the Romans, he is regarded as the most important person in the history of Christianity after Jesus. Viewed as the chosen people for God’s salvation, he used his ministry to welcome others outside Israel into God’s house or kingdom. On the other hand, Paul believed that the God of Israel was the true God, and in turn, their behavior was taken as right. However, this contributed to the idea that the Romans didn’t have to become Jewish to participate in salvation. Through Paul, there is a man who loves his people to the extent he could be silenced from sharing his faith with them Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Essay Discussion.

How could God benefit the Gentiles if the Jews had rejected the Messiah at his first coming and were to act as his conduit for blessing the Gentiles? Jewish prophesy was silent on this issue. God’s commissioning of Paul was His response. The new apostle to occupy that position was Paul. Yet what about Jews? What was ahead for them? Given that they had rejected the Messiah, would they still have a future? God’s revelation to Paul in Romans 9–11 serves as the conclusion to this query. To Israel, Paul is seen as an important person after Christ Jesus in Christianity history. In addition to being a gospel champion, he was also a church leader with a vast knowledge of the scripture, which defined his relations with Israel as a source of influence in the spread of Christianity. On the other hand, he was sensitive to the needs of the Israelites, which in turn made him sensitive to Roman’s needs, hence an affection for the people. By flinging open the doors to Gentiles and vigorously defending his belief that the gospel was for everyone and that no obstacles should be placed in the way of Gentiles, Paul the Apostle greatly increased the size of the church.

Paul’s influence and impact on Romans’ understanding of the gospel were represented as a powerful exposition of the doctrine regarding the supremacy of Christ and the faith in Christ, hence a source of salvation. His letters to Romans were viewed as a plea to Christians in Rome and all others to hold firm to that faith. Before writing his epistle, Paul had no connections to the Roman population. He did not start the church in Rome because he had never even been to the famous city. Paul’s gospel presentation is what the letter is about rather than any problems with the Roman church in particular. Paul’s Treatment Of Israel Essay Discussion