Dynamics Of The Scripture In Romans Essay Discussion

Dynamics Of The Scripture In Romans Essay Discussion

Discuss the dynamics of Romans 15.22-33. What does Paul’s choice to take the offering to the saints in Jerusalem before embarking on his next missionary journey suggest about his understanding of the church and the values it should hold?

INSTRUCTIONS: Your Reflection Paper is to be between 500-750 words in length (about 1-2 pages) following MLA format and submitted as a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc or .docx)Dynamics Of The Scripture In Romans Essay Discussion. If you cite source material, include a Works Cited page, but do not include the Works Cited in the total requirement for the assignment.


The book of Romans describes Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome, which provided them with a doctrinal foundation on faith and service to God. The letter highlights theological aspects, such as spiritual growth, God’s sovereignty, and righteousness. The book’s primary emphasis is the doctrine of the Christian life. In Chapter 15, the book focuses on the Christian faith and how Christians are either strong or weak in faith. This paper discusses the dynamics of Chapter 15:22-33 and the understanding of the Church and its values when Paul took the offering to the saints in Jerusalem before embarking on his next missionary journey Dynamics Of The Scripture In Romans Essay Discussion.

The Dynamics in Romans 15:22-33

This part highlights Paul’s plan to visit Rome after he completes his mission in Jerusalem. This part of the letter discusses the different aspects of fruitful ministry, including the power of prayer, imparting spiritual blessings, giving, and the community. Paul desires to impact the spiritual faith of the saints in Jerusalem amidst challenges from non-believers and the Jewish. This is demonstrated when he says he is going to Jerusalem and then to Spain as he has no reason to go to Rome, but rather his work is in Jerusalem as in Rome, the Church was already established.

The other dynamic highlighted in the passage is the importance of prayer and intercession during ministry. In verses 30-33, Paul requests the Romans to pray for him that his journey in Jerusalem yields good fruits. He requests that the Romans pray that he may be rescued and that his ministry becomes acceptable. This shows the importance of prayer in the thriving ministry of the gospel.

The last dynamic highlighted in the passage is Christian fellowship, where Paul shows his strong desire to associate with the believers in Rome. However, this was impossible as he had another task of spreading the gospel in Spain and Jerusalem. This illustrates the importance of spreading the gospels not only to the believers but also to the non-believers. In addition, it shows that believers should desire to spend time with their brothers and sisters in Christ as Paul desired to associate with the Romans Dynamics Of The Scripture In Romans Essay Discussion.

Understanding of the Church and its Value

In Chapters 15:25-29, Paul says he has to go to Jerusalem as he has offerings he must take to the saints in Jerusalem before embarking on his journal to Spain. His decision to take the offering given by the Gentiles shows the value of compassion and generosity in the Church. Paul understands that the Church is responsible for caring for one another (McCraw). By the Gentiles’ understanding they should help those in need in Jerusalem, Paul demonstrates believers’ willingness to forsake their needs and prioritize the needs of others. In addition, Paul demonstrates the value of unity within the Church, and that is why the Gentiles feel obliged to help the Saints in Jerusalem, as that’s where their Church began. From this scripture, we learn that the Church should always show compassion and generosity to the needy.



In conclusion, this scripture demonstrates that Christians should always pray and ask for God’s intervention in every aspect of their lives. Christians should also give to the needy and always show compassion and generosity to the needy. Lastly, the Church should always be united in spreading the gospel of God.

Works Cited

Matthew McCraw. “Paul’s Plans (Romans 15:22-33).” First Baptist Church, 4 Dec. 2022, https://fbcbartow.org/sermons/pauls-plans-romans-1522-33/.

New Revised Standard Version. Bible Gateway, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+12&version=NRSV. Accessed 28 Sept. 2018 Dynamics Of The Scripture In Romans Essay Discussion