Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper

Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper

The conversation about treating patients on long-term opioids for chronic pain in the inaugural podcast, “Frankly Speaking About Family Medicine,” was enlightening. My work was in line with the emphasis on using a multimodal approach and the significance of comprehending the cause of harm. I may customize my approach to patients using chronic opioids as an APRN by utilizing the resources that were described, such as the opioid risk tool and the prescription drug monitoring database (Vigue, 2019)Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper. A patient-centered approach is in line with the focus on building a connection and pursuing a long-term pain treatment plan.


The conversation about deprescribing psychostimulants and benzodiazepines in the second episode of the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast was enlightening. The recommended tapering-off techniques for these drugs, such as the use of compounding pharmacies and liquid formulations, are sensible approaches for patient care. The significance of the therapeutic alliance in the tapering process particularly in the context of benzodiazepine withdrawal highlights the need of trust and communication in mental health treatment (Wurf & Swing, 2022)Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper. My knowledge of psychiatric management has improved significantly after learning about the importance of cognitive-behavioral therapy and the limited efficacy of pharmaceutical antidotes for benzodiazepine withdrawal.

All things considered, these podcasts have improved my understanding of the difficulties in treating patients who are dependent on long-term opioids and the difficulties in withdrawing mental health prescriptions. My practice will be impacted by the newfound understanding because it will promote a more thorough and patient-centered approach to substance use problems. The podcasts also stress how crucial it is to keep abreast of evidence-based treatments and make use of resources like prescription medication tracking databases in order to properly manage substance use disorders. A more knowledgeable and caring approach to patient care in the field of substance use disorders will be facilitated by the talks on tapering techniques and the therapeutic alliance.


Wurf, G., & Swing, A. (2022). Interventions for benzodiazepine withdrawal: Perceptions of benzodiazepine counsellors. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research22(2), 514-523.

Vigue, B. (2019). Mitigating Prescription Opioid Risk: Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper

The conversation on benzodiazepine withdrawal and tapering techniques on the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast offered insightful information that I may use in my work as an APRN. The significance of the therapeutic alliance in the management of withdrawal symptoms was underscored by Dr. Swapnil Gupta. This is consistent with my view of the holistic approach to patient care, which emphasizes the value of developing open lines of communication and trust (Larsen et al., 2021)Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper. I learned more about tapering tactics from the practical advice of using hyperbolic tapering and considering liquid formulations or compounding pharmacies for microdosing.

Moreover, research into possible counteragents for benzodiazepine withdrawal, like anticonvulsants like valproate, provided new alternatives for symptom management. The conversation about the limited effectiveness of drugs like gabapentin in benzodiazepine withdrawal was insightful and dispelled many myths.

The podcast’s second section included an interesting background on the use of opium and its historical context. Knowing how morphine evolved from opium and how the opioid epidemic that followed helped to explain the historical elements that led to the current situation. As an APRN, this knowledge is helpful to me in understanding the larger context of substance use disorders, which aids in my ability to make well-informed decisions regarding patient treatment.

All things considered, the podcast improved my understanding of benzodiazepine tapering techniques and offered historical context for the opioid issue. As Matos et al. (2020) opine, by improving my knowledge of the historical background of opioid usage and helping me better understand how to interact with patients who have prescriptions for benzodiazepines, this information will benefit my practice. Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper

In conclusion, the podcast promoted a more thorough understanding of substance use disorders by illuminating the historical causes of the opioid crisis in addition to offering insightful clinical information about benzodiazepine tapering techniques. This dual viewpoint gives me, as an APRN, a sophisticated approach to patient care that takes into account both the larger historical context and the current clinical issues. Incorporating therapeutic relationship-building techniques and investigating possible counter-measures enhance my toolkit for patient-centered, evidence-based treatment of substance abuse problems. Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper



The Carlat Psychiatry Podcast. (2021, March 22). How to Stop Benzos and Stimulants. CARLAT PUBLISHING.

Larsen, R., Mangrio, E., & Persson, K. (2021). Interpersonal communication in transcultural nursing care in India: A descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing32(4), 310-317.

Matos, A., Bankes, D. L., Bain, K. T., Ballinghoff, T., & Turgeon, J. (2020). Opioids, polypharmacy, and drug interactions: A technological paradigm shift is needed to ameliorate the ongoing opioid epidemic. Pharmacy8(3), 154. Treating Patients On Long-Term Opioids For Chronic Pain Assignment Paper

Assignment instructions:
1. Review 2 of the following podcasts (or a closely related topic at the same website)

2. Submit a summary of your thoughts in 3-4 sentences on each of the podcasts.

Summary should include brief professional thoughts about the topic. You can use the following questions:

– How do you see this topic impacting your practice?

– How was this information helpful as an APRN to your learning on substance use disorders?

You can listen to podcasts on either the Pri-Med Link. or the Carlat Psychiatry Podcast. LINKS LISTED BELOW