Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion

Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion

Over the past couple of weeks, you have been exploring a variety of theorists and their theories in nursing and other disciplines.  For your future DNP change project, you will select one to serve as part of your underlying theoretical framework.

In addition, you will select a EBP Change Model to facilitate your project design in the next course mid-way in your DNP journey.  In this course, you are introduced to the basic steps to consider.  This week you are reviewing and reflecting on Bernadette Melnyk’s 7-steps in EBP. Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion


After reflecting upon Melnyk’s EBP steps, your weekly activity will involve exploring the school Library database.  Search for a research study involving an established EBP Model –

such as the IOWA Model;

Stevens Star Model of Knowledge Transformation;

or ARCC Model (Advancing Research and Clinical Practice Through Close Collaboration).

In the Weekly Activity Forum, post a 3 to 5 minute video comparing and contrasting the Melnyk’s 7 steps and the Model used in the study you selected.

Be sure to cite your journal article (and/or provide a copy)  with your video post by Wednesday evening this week. Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion

Readings resources (Bernadette Melnyk’s 7-steps in EBP.)


  • Please do a power point comparing and contrasting the Melnyk’s 7 steps and the Model used in the study you selected.
  • Please share with me the research study article you selected so I can check if it is in our school library.
  • 2 slides are okay
  • first slide is overview
  • second slide is comparing and contrasting
  • At the bottom of each slide have a note that will be used to do the PowerPoint presentation. Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion

Thank you for your help.


The ARCC approach consists of five steps: (a) organisational culture and readiness; (b) strengths and obstacles to successful EBP implementation identified; (c) mentor selection; (d) organisational autonomy to execute EBP; and (e) assessment of practise modifications and identification of sustainable results.

In their definition, EBP is described by Melnyk and colleagues as “a life-long problem-solving approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies (external evidence) and integrates it with clinician expertise, patient data, and a patient’s [or family’s] preferences.” Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion

A framework for implementing, assessing, and maintaining EBP changes is offered by the ARCC Model, which helps both individuals and organisations. This concept is distinct in that it emphasises the development of EBP mentors within the healthcare system to assist in reducing typical obstacles to the application of EBP.

According to the ARCC model, when nurses’ attitudes about evidence-based practise (EBP) are strengthened, EBP is implemented more effectively, which enhances nurse-related outcomes including work satisfaction and group cohesion.

This overview sets the stage for understanding the key components of Melnyk’s 7 Steps and the ARCC Model in the context of Evidence-Based Practice in healthcare. The 7 Steps provide a structured approach, while the ARCC Model, as evidenced by the study, demonstrates its effectiveness in enhancing organizational culture, clinician beliefs, EBP implementation, and ultimately, patient outcomes. Let’s delve into Melnyk’s systematic approach and the collaborative nature of the ARCC Model for a comprehensive understanding of EBP in healthcare. Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion


This comparative analysis illustrates how Melnyk’s foundational steps align and differ with the ARCC Model, showcasing the unique contributions and emphasis of each model in the context of Evidence-Based Practice. While Melnyk’s 7 Steps provide a comprehensive framework, the ARCC Model extends the process by incorporating organizational culture assessment and specific strategies for mentor preparation, emphasizing collaboration for improved EBP implementation and patient outcomes. It’s important to recognize the distinct strengths and nuances of each model to choose the most suitable approach for implementing Evidence-Based Practice in healthcare settings. Evidence-Based Practice Change Models Essay Discussion