Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.

Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.


Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assessment

Use the following resources for this assignment:


Moreno Medical Center Virtual Hospital
MedSun Project
Medical Device Reporting for User Facilities
Background Information: Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assessment

The Moreno Medical Center is partnering with the Food and Drug Administration’s MedSun Project to improve patient safety by reporting problems with medical devices and ensuring compliance with reporting requirements. MedSun grants of $25,000 are available to fund research designed to improve medical device safety in clinical and operational processes.Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.

Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assessment Assignment:
Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper in which you detail a needs assessment and proposal for utilizing MedSun grant funds to improve the medical device policies, procedures, and processes at the Moreno Medical Center.Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.

Your proposal needs to include the following elements:

Proposal goal and objectives
Assessment related to the Safe Medical Devices Act (SMDA) of 1990
Compliance with Medical Device Reporting requirements*
* Be sure to review the organization’s current policies and procedures to determine if they support the Safe Medical Devices Act (SMDA) of 1990, Medical Devices Amendments of 1992, and state-specific requirements. You will need to review all of the available sites on the Moreno Medical Center Virtual Organization web site to determine compliance. Use only the materials posted on the site – do not create hypothetical documents.Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.

Organization policies
Summary of identified deficiencies
Plan for addressing each of the identified deficiencies to include:
Proposed intervention
Timeline for completion
Budgeted Grant Funds
Description of evaluation process
Criteria to include:
Achievement of proposal goals and objectives
Correction of deficiencies
Use of grant funds
Compliance with established timeline
Research primary and secondary sources of information related to medical devices and methods to improve adverse event reporting and patient safety. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

DHA 713 WEEK 7 TeIntegrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers. chnological Trends in Healthcare
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you identify significant emerging technological trends affecting capital or human resources within a healthcare organization. Include the following in your paper:Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.

Summarize the most relevant technological trend affecting your organization.
Identify the factors that led to the trend.
Explain the trend’s financial and service effects.
Develop a strategy to address opportunities.
Describe how you would mitigate the associated threats.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

This paper examines the principal theoretical frameworks within which research into special educational needs (SEN) is currently conducted. It is argued that three paradigms can be distinguished, namely the psycho‐medical, the sociological and the organizational paradigms, which contrast along the following dimensions: conceptualization of special needs, comprising a model of causation and corresponding proposal for intervention; level of focus; and underlying epistemology.Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers. The argument is illustrated through a critical survey of recent work which exemplifies the principal characteristics of each paradigm. It is argued that the existing paradigms share the common limitation of reductionism. The case for an integrated theoretical framework which avoids reductionism’ is made. Candidate theories at each level of focus are identified which might be used as the basis from which to develop such a framework. The principal qualities of the proposed anti‐reductionist theoretical framework are briefly outlined.Integrating Theory and Research Needs Assignment Papers.