Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper

Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper

PSY 510 Topic 1 DQ1: “ethically questionable” research techniques

Controversy is essential to scientific progress. As Richard Feynman said, “science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” Nothing is taken on faith, all assumptions are open to further scrutiny. It’s a healthy sign therefore that psychology studies continue to generate great controversy. Often the heat is created by arguments about the logic or ethics of the methods, other times it’s because of disagreements about the implications of the findings to our understanding of human nature. Here we digest ten of the most controversial studies in psychology’s history. Please use the comments to have your say on these controversies, or to highlight provocative studies that you think should have made it onto our list.Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper




1. The Stanford Prison Experiment
Conducted in 1971, Philip Zimbardo’s experiment had to be aborted when students allocated to the role of prison guards began abusing students who were acting as prisoners. Zimbardo interpreted the events as showing that certain situations inevitably turn good people bad, a theoretical stance he later applied to the acts of abuse that occurred at the Abu Ghraib prison camp in Iraq from 2003 to 2004. This situationist interpretation has been challenged, most forcibly by the British psychologists Steve Reicher and Alex Haslam. The pair argue, on the basis of their own BBC Prison study and real-life instances of prisoner resistance, that people do not yield mindlessly to toxic environments. Rather, in any situation, power resides in the group that manages to establish a sense of shared identity. Critics also point out that Zimbardo led and inspired his abusive prison guards; that the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) may have attracted particular personality types; and that many guards did behave appropriately. The debate continues, as does the influence of the SPE on popular culture, so far inspiring at least two feature length movies.Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper

In the past, researchers in psychology used some “ethically questionable” research techniques. Do you believe that some of these techniques were useful despite their ethical shortcomings? Explain. How did these “ethically questionable” techniques lend to the creation of the code of ethics? PSY 510 Topic 1 DQ1: “ethically questionable” research techniques

PSY 510 Topic 1 DQ1: “ethically questionable” research techniques

PSY 510 Topic 1 DQ2

Review the preamble and general principles section of the code of ethics. What is the purpose of these sections? In reviewing the general principles, which do you feel is the most impactful or influential to the practice of psychology? Explain.Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper


PSY 510 Topic 2 DQ1

Should humans use animals for psychological research? Give examples from this week’s assigned readings or other sources to defend your position.Ethically Questionable”

PSY 510 Topic 2 DQ2

How does the philosophy of ethical decision making have an effect on our everyday lives? As a student, what can you do to ensure you maintain academic honesty throughout your graduate academic career?

PSY 510 Week 2 Assignment APA Title and Reference Page


This assignment is designed to help you review APA writing guidelines and to find references for the Critical Thinking Paper that is due in Topic 3. Use the attached document “Critical Thinking Topics” to review topics for the Topic 3 assignment.

Use the resources found to construct an APA title page and reference section that conform to guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper

Reference sections should include at least two articles, one book, and one electronic source.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper

Ethics refers to the correct rules of conduct necessary when carrying out research. We have a moral responsibility to protect research participants from harm.

However important the issue under investigation psychologists need to remember that they have a duty to respect the rights and dignity of research participants. This means that they must abide by certain moral principles and rules of conduct.Ethically Questionable” Research Techniques Paper