Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper

Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper

Week 3: Effective Coalition Leadership

Describe the various elements necessary for effective leadership within a coalition.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper How does this apply to your professional practice or life?

NR 506 Week 3 Discussion: Effective Coalition Leadership SAMPLE APPROACH

Week 3: Effective Coalition Leadership

There are many necessary elements for effective leadership within a coalition. Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper To be effective, coalitions require multiple things from leadership including effective communication, conflict resolution, perception of fairness and shared decision –making (SAMHSA, 2017). Shared leadership is also an important element. Leaders within the group need to have a defined role and also needs a group of people that are actively participating. Shared leadership is a way for the coalition to tackle the most challenging tasks as a group. It is the job of the leaders to create a positive work environment for each employee as well, which can be a difficult thing to do.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper


Knowledge development and skill building are other necessary elements for any leader as well. The nursing profession is constantly changing and as younger nurses come in, the leaders need to continue to develop knowledge not only about the nursing practices, but also about the management side of things. Skill building is an element that needs to occur in order for the team to work effectively and efficiently (MacDonald & Shriberg, 2016).Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper

Effective leadership affects many areas of both my personal and professional life. Managers in our facility are required to go to a leadership development seminar 4 times every year. This keeps the leaders up to date on not only the new practices in the nursing profession, but also new leadership strategies.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper Our department has had some difficulty in the past taking accountability for their actions, which our leader was in tuned to and has worked with our department very closely in order to correct this. For staff members, this is great in multiple ways. We trust our manager as a leader and know she has the ability to coach us to be better. We also see that she might not be working with us every single day, but can recognize when something is not working well in the department. Having effective leadership is so important in every coalition, especially in the nursing profession.

Week 3: Effective Coalition Leadership References:

MacDonald, L., Shriberg, M. (2016). Sustainability leadership programs in higher education: alumni outcomes and impacts. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 6(2), 360-370.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHAS), (2017). Components of an effective coalition. Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov/capt/tools-learning-resources/components-effective-coalition Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper

Week 3: Effective Coalition Leadership SAMPLE RESPONSE

You have made some excellent points about what takes to become an effective leader. During my undergraduate nursing studies, all of my professors would say that “nurses have made a professional commitment to learning.”Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper  They would also say that “nurses in leadership positions should become experts in relationship-building and accountability.” Effective leadership in coalitions includes these three aspects, just as effective nurse leaders should hone and build on these skills to lead their teams and organizations to successful outcomes. In my area of nursing (LTC), I see that nursing competency does not always prepare a person to become a leader. I have been employed at medical facilities in which the Director of Nursing is well-skilled in nursing techniques and procedures, but less than apt at supervising nursing staff.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper I have also been supervised by LTC charge nurses who did awesome jobs of assessing patients and making sure the appropriate care had been given, but who were intimidated by staff nurses. I stated in my post that leadership is a skill or ability that must be taught. You allude to skill building  in your post, as well. A featured blog post on the Nurse.com site by Williamson (2017) says that there is a difference between a nurse manager and a nurse leader. I think the author’s explanation makes good sense. Do you believe there is a difference between the two, they complement each other, or they are one in the same?Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper

Effective coalitions need leaders who are able to reach beyond individual, group, and sectoral boundaries to advance a shared vision for healthy and thriving communities. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation partnered with the Center for Creative Leadership to create a one-year pilot, the Community Coalition Leadership Program, to test a new approach to providing training in collaborative leadership.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper


This article discusses the program, whether and how it improved participants’ individual and coalition leadership skills, and the implications for foundations and other entities seeking to increase interdependent leadership capacity within community coalitions. This article does not, however,Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper intend to describe progress toward coalition goals or changes in community outcomes, given the short time frame of the evaluation.

A post-program survey found that most coalitions improved on some measures along four dimensions: membership, structure, functioning, and collaboration.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper Even coalitions that struggled showed improvement along some dimensions, which suggests that the program was a valuable part of a longer-range strategy to build leadership capacity in under-resourced communities.Effective Coalition Leadership Essay Paper