Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma

Research Papers- 2 Biology Research papers (4pages Max each)

1. Hepatitis B (6 journal Papers/Critical Reviews/Endnote Style Referencing/Follow instructions on grading rubric/4pgs max) Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper




2. Pneumonia (6 journal Papers/Critical Reviews/Endnote Style Referencing/Follow instructions on grading rubric/4pgs max)

3. Glaucoma(6 journal Papers/Critical Reviews/Endnote Style Referencing/Follow instructions on grading rubric/4pgs max)

Format Instructions:Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

➢ Length – 3- 4 pages – (not including a References and Cover Page)

➢ Double-spaced, size 12 font, margins 1” left, right, upper and lower.

➢ Use the APA format for references, there are instructions in the College Library for your information.

➢ Cite all borrowed language in quotations (not more than 10% of your paper) Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

➢ Research must include 6 different sources – not more than 3 internet sources

➢ Bibliography / Reference Page should be in “end note” format

You are required to write a critical analysis of the disease of your choice.

Included in this analysis, you will need to explain how the disease you chose Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

affects the various body systems where relevant.

The following relevant and concise information must (if pertinent) be included in your write up.Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

▪ Name of disease

▪ History of the disease

▪ Description of disease

Anatomy of the system(s) involved

▪ Effects on other body systems Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

▪ Cause of disease

▪ Signs and symptoms

▪ Diagnosis of the disease

▪ Complications, if any

▪ Treatment and side effects Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

Conclusion should include the following:

▪ Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact the

▪ disease.

▪ Prevention strategies if any

▪ Your insight / opinion

NOTE: you must focus on the anatomy & physiology of the disease/disorder. Cover Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

the normal anatomy & physiology of the organ system affected and then state what the

disease/disorder does to this organ system, and other organ systems. In other words, if

you are picking tuberculosis, I do not want you to go too much in detail about the Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper

bacteria that causes it but how the bacteria escape our body’s defenses and what the

bacteria do to the lungs, bones, etc. Biology Research papers :Hepatitis B, Pneumonia & Glaucoma Paper