Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper

Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society defines nursing informatics as “a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice.” Informatics is becoming increasingly present in our profession due to rapidly changing technologic advances. Healthcare systems are assimilating technology into daily practice at a quick pace. Security and patient privacy must be upheld while achieving the goal of transforming data into useful knowledge. Integrating informatics with evidence-based practice (EBP) can only help improve the care we provide to our patients.Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper




Applying technology to knowledge may help identify potential problems earlier. For example, with the use of electronic documentation, identifying changes in patient status can occur quickly because the information is readily available. Trending of patient vital signs is always accessible and the data are interpreted, systematized, and arranged. The nurse is able to use this knowledge to formalize an appropriate plan of action.Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper

Standardizing nursing language will facilitate acceptance of new methods of documentation in the electronic health record. A template for nursing notes is one method of assisting with our daily workload. The use of a template can remind you of important information required in the documentation of patient care.Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper

Research studies, patient care data, and national and local standards are used to develop informatics programs at healthcare organizations. Other measures include return on investment analysis, patient preferences and/or needs, and infection control data. How’s the need for technology addressed? Let’s say a high rate of medication errors is identified. Analysis of how and why the errors are occurring must be conducted. The research can include collecting data from other facilities in the area to determine if the same problem exists elsewhere. Following data collection, the findings are presented to a review board. A plan to improve the problem is implemented, such as the use of bar code scanners. Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper   Data collection continues to determine if implementation is successful. The most important piece of implementation is presentation of the evidence to staff to identify how the change will improve the day-to-day actions of nurses.Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper

Nursing informatics is a growing field. As nurses, we face ever changing and challenging practice situations; competency in nursing informatics promises to strengthen our clinical decision-making skills. Although new technology may be a challenge for some, informatics will enhance nursing practice. We’ll have quicker access to patient information, improve overall efficiency, and see a reduction in potential errors.Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper

Let’s say you are the only nursing information expert in your small hospital. The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) relies on you to translate major developments in policy and reimbursement that have direct implications for the facility. How would you explain the relationship between standardized terminologies and financial rewards related to meaningful use? Remember to cite your resources that you will use to provide information. Nursing Information Expert Essay Assignment Paper