Issues Associated with the Brain System Essay Assignment Paper

Issues Associated with the Brain System Essay Assignment Paper

Issues associated with the brain system: Part 1). Memory System

Research with human patients and animals suggests that the brain contains a vast memory system, the various components of which may underlie different types of mnemonic functions.


For this Issues associated with the brain system discussion:

Locate and read a recent, full-text article from the Capella Library about the components of the brain’s memory system.Issues Associated with the Brain System Essay Assignment Paper

Choose one component (other than the hippocampus) and describe in detail its mnemonic functions and the types of memory deficits associated with damage to it. Be specific in your examples.

How does this information affect the work you will do in your area of specialization?

(Part 2) Dementia

Locate and read a recent, full-text article from the Capella Library about one form of dementia (such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Pick’s Disease, and so on), briefly discuss the brain structure involved in the disorder, then answer:

What kind of problems with everyday life would a person with this disorder have?

How might a person’s cultural beliefs impact the treatment they would receive for this disorder?

Are there any current treatments?

(Part 3) Various Forms of the t Test

In what research situations should the paired samples t test be used rather than the independent samples t test?

(Part 4) Two Versions of the Independent Samples t Test

Analyze why there are two different versions of the t test on the SPSS printout and how you decide which one is more appropriate.Issues Associated with the Brain System Essay Assignment Paper

(Parts 1 & 2)



Complete the following:

In your Physiology of Behavior text, read:

Chapter 13, “Learning and Memory,” pages 434–478.

Chapter 15, “Alzheimer’s,” pages 540–545.

Read H. J. Spiers, E. A. Maguire, and N. Burgess’ 2001 article, “Hippocampal Amnesia,” from Neurocase, volume 7, pages 357–382.

Read Brain Facts: A Primer on the Brain and Nervous System, pages 18–19.

Optional Internet Resources

If you choose, you may explore the following: Cell-Tissue-Body Explorer. Ion Channel.

Learning and Memory Journal.

Journal of Neuroscience: Patient R. B.Issues Associated with the Brain System Essay Assignment Paper

Issues associated with the brain system (Parts 3 & 4) Readings



Use your Warner text to complete the following:

Read Chapter 5 “Comparing Group Means Using the Independent Samples t Test.” This reading addresses the following topics:

Research Situations Using the Independent Samples t Test.

t Test Assumptions.


Factors Affecting the Size of the t Ratio.

Effect Sizes. Issues Associated with the Brain System Essay Assignment Paper