Friendships and Truth Nursing Assignment Papers
Friendships and Truth Nursing Assignment Papers.
How should you use your power and authority when dealing with the problem discussed below?
Please read the discussion below. I need 2 paragraphs tiling about hoe should you use your power and authority when dealing with these issues. Friendships and Truth Nursing Assignment Papers.
Friendships and Truth
The nursing profession has a significant amount of referent power as a result of the high degree of trust and credibility the public places in them (Marquis & Huston, 2015). Therefore, integrity in all aspects of the nurse’s daily life is integral to defining the nurse’s character. In the scenario described in Figure 13.8 (Marquis & Huston, 2015), a keen understanding of politics is warranted to accurately address this issue. It is important to define authority and power roles within the professional setting between the subordinate and manager. It is wise to establish a professional relationship and clearly, defined goals to avoid ethical dilemmas concerning the manager and subordinate/friend. Friendships and Truth Nursing Assignment Papers.
Friendships and Truth Nursing
To address the issue with the subordinate, I would listen to her concerns and request that she email the request to me in writing. The subordinate will be referred to the policy on employee injuries in the workplace. In most facilities, employees are advised to report all injuries to the supervisor as soon as possible and report to the Emergency room for evaluation. I would request that she submit the appropriate employee incident report to initiate her request. The employee health department will perform an assessment, investigation, and plan interventions for the subordinate if warranted. As the manager, I would not address the staff members who suggested that the subordinate’s injury is not work-related.
The judicious leader-manager does not concern themselves with gossiping, rumor mills, tardiness, and failure to share the workload. Instead, a good leader refers staff to the standards of practice, the code of ethics and the mission, vision, and values (Marquis & Huston, 2015). However, if I could validate that the nurse is not being honest concerning her injury, I would address her in a professional manner in regards to integrity. I would also re-evaluate the friendship I have with this individual. Friendships and Truth Nursing Assignment Papers.