Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper
Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper
OPPOSITIONAL DISORDER DISEASE: The research paper will be any disease or condition of the body. The paper must include a thorough description of the disease/condition; current statistics of those affected – epidemiology; financial costs both terms of treatment and loss of productivity; explanations on how the various body systems (anatomically and/or physiologically) are affected; etiology; medications/treatments that are available; prognosis of those affected, and future outlook in general. Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper
Research paper must have 1200 words no more then 1500 not to include abstract, cover paper, annotate.
* cover/title page (page 1)
* corrected abstract (page 2) ( abstract paper turn in I am missing a lot of work )
Must be in the abstract
Statistic/ Epidemiology
Financial cost
Anatomy & Physiology
Etiology (cause)
Diagnosis/ treatment/ prognosis
In recent a post, oppositional disorder diseases has been on the rise, raising questions about the manner in which diseases is spreading especially among children. Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper The high prevalence levels of the oppositional disorder have raised more concerns especially form the health, sectors thus developing the need to understand the disorder better. This research paper will, therefore, encompass a broad perspective of oppositional disorder disease to effectively understand how it is manifested, various ways in which it manifests itself to develop preventive strategy much earlier before the situation reaches full-blown.
Unlike the common conduct disorder where the patient is more aggressive towards people and animals, the oppositional disorder is more silent, and it takes time for it to be detected. The lifetime prevalence of the disease is estimated to be 10.2%. The disease is mostly observed in children and adolescents across the globe.
Some of the common symptoms of the disease involve a certain behavior where children’s behavior is much different compared to their peers. A patient suffering from oppositional disorder tends to have a turn in their behavior including regular loose of temper, being angry and resentful, argues with authorities without any significant reason. It is importance to note that the persistence and frequency of these behaviors should be used to differentiate between normal behavior and symptoms of the oppositional disorder. The disease causes a massive effect on patient’s mental and physical wellbeing. Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper
The most common cause of the oppositional disorder is the genetic influence. Research has shown that parents tend to pass on expressing disorder to their children, and it may be displayed in multiple ways. The disease can be easily diagnosed basing on the extent at which the change of behavior causes distress to the family members or drastic changes in academic and social functioning. These behaviors must persist for six months for there to be any chance of oppositional disorder.
As expressed by the American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, treatment of the oppositional disorder is patient specific. This because each patient has different behavioral changes thus requires careful study of the patient behavior before deciding on appropriate treatment to undertake. The treatment modality of the disease is much strenuous to patient’s families and the entire society since most of time and resources are used to treat these preventable disorder. Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper
Effective analysis of oppositional disorder disease will provide a greater understanding of the disease by basing on different levels including prevalence and incidence level, the symptoms, costs incurred and how best oppositional disorder disease can be present in children and the adolescent individuals. Op positional Disorder Disease Research Paper