The Evolution of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs since Viagra Essay

The Evolution of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs since Viagra Essay

The Evolution of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs since Viagra Instructions:

Each student will choose his or her own topic in pharmacology and research the most current information available. The research paper will be a summary statement of your findings. The research can be done entirely online. Try to find the most reliable information, and steer away from the kind of personal stories that clutter up the Internet.


The goal is to find out the very latest information in a short amount of time. The Evolution of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs since Viagra Essay. Be sure to include information about the drug(s), not simply the name of the drug(s). The paper is to be three pages in length (double spaced), not including your reference page. You must use as least three references. Remember, this is a pharmacology course so stay focused on drug (medical) treatment options. Many students get their grades marked down because of incorrect referencing, so make sure you reference your paper correctly. Also, put the paper in your own words. The Evolution of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs since Viagra Essay.  Do not just regurgitate what you have read. I want to make sure you understand what you are reading. Look to sources like PubMed, WebMD, government sites like NIH, NCI, and various professional journals like NEJM, or JAMA. Your best sources will be original research articles, not news, opinions, letters to the editor, magazine articles, etc.

BIBLIOGRAPHY/WEBLIOGRAPHY Include a bibliography of your research sources and reference what parts of your paper came from what source. The Evolution of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs since Viagra Essay