Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment

Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment

Question description

Child Abuse Treatment Case Study –Explore the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families website, paying specific attention to the sections regarding child abuse. Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment

Review the Child Abuse Treatment Case Study.

Complete the Child Abuse Treatment Plan Template.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


Case Study: Marisa

Name: Marisa


Marisa is an 11-year-old Hispanic-American female. Marisa is in the 7th grade at a local school. She lives with her biological mother and her stepfather. Marisa has three siblings: one brother and two sisters. Marisa is the oldest child. Marisa’s biological father is inconsistently in her life, and visits with her a couple of times a year. He lives in the same city as Marisa, but doesn’t seem to hold a job long enough for her mother to collect child support. Marisa is the only child from her mother’s first marriage; her siblings were born during her mother’s current marriage. Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment

Treatment History

Marisa has been to therapy “a couple of times” when she was 6 years old. Marisa’s mother reports that she (mother) has always had difficulty “managing Marisa’s behavior.”

Current Treatment

Marisa reports that she visits her school counselor sometimes.

Current Medical


Current Disposition

Marisa’s mother has brought Marisa into your office seeking counseling for oppositional behavior. Marisa’s mother reports “Marisa is so disrespectful; she talks back, yells at me, and just won’t do what she is told.” While you are talking with Marisa and her mother they describe a recent argument. Marisa reports that her mother “slapped me” during the argument. Marisa’s mother reports, “She hit me; I had to do something.” As you tell Marisa and her mother that you are a mandatory reporter and start describing what that means, Marisa’s mother gets upset and leaves the office, taking Marisa with her. Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment


Due to the intake paperwork, you have the family’s address and demographic information.

Child Abuse Treatment Case Study: PCN-545 Treatment Plan Template

Directions:  Complete the treatment plan template for the case study of Marisa. An example has been provided for you. Once the table is completed, address the questions listed below the table. Your response to each question should be 100-125 words. You must cite the specific legal standards of the state in which you plan to practice when answering the questions. Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment


Date Problem Statement Goal Objective Length of Service Goal Date
When was this goal created? In the clients own words :“I want to worry less”


In clinical words, what will it look like by the end of treatment? Relate back to the problem statement.Client will reduce worry from daily to weekly


What methods of treatment and frequency will you use to achieve treatment goals?Weekly talk therapy meetings. Weekly DBT How long will treatment be?Client will attend individual therapy for 8 weeks; client will attend group therapy for 13 When will this particular goal be achieved?Client reduce worry from daily to weekly by 3/15/17



Client Name: <Enter Client name>

Date Problem Statement Goal Objective Length of Service Goal Date
Client Signature and Date
Counselor Signature and Date


  1. At what point will you report Marisa’s situation to the state? (use the state in which you plan to practice)


  1. If you were to report the situation, where would you report it (e.g., agency/organization)? Why?

Child Abuse Treatment Case Study Assignment