Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes Assignment Papers.

Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes Assignment Papers.

  • Read selected sections of Nelson, J. A. P., Young, B.      J., Young, E. J., & Cox, G. (2010). Using teacher-written praise notes      to promote a positive environment in a middle school. Preventing School      Failure54(2), 119-125. You should read the Abstract,      Introduction, Participants and Setting, Procedure, Measures (paragraph 1      only), Data Analysis (paragraph 1 only), Results (paragraph 1 only), and      Discussion (paragraph 1 and 2 only). This article is available at Teacher-Written Praise Notes Assignment Papers.



In an essay of 500 words, use the scenario presented in part 1a, above, to answer the following questions:

  1. What statistical test was used in Nelson et al.,      (2010)?
  2. Did the authors use the correct statistical test? In      other words, what was their rationale for using this test (i.e., were the      variables discrete or continuous and was the test appropriate for this      type of data?)
  3. What was the research question? How did the statistical      test address and answer the research question?
  4. How did the authors interpret the results of this      study? Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes Assignment Papers.

Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic Analysis of Research, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included. Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes Assignment Papers.

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