Informative Speech Assignment Paper

Informative Speech Assignment Paper

Informative speech assignment: Begin by filling in the document attached – replace highlighted text that is presented to help you develop a strong outline with requested content Informative Speech Assignment Paper


Title of Speech: [Your title should announce the topic clearly, concisely, and creatively]

Specific Purpose:

Central Idea:


I. (Attention) [Start with a catchy opening that gains audience’s attention. Do not simply announce the topic!]Informative Speech Assignment Paper

II. (Reveal Topic) [Tell what you are going to talk about – reveal your topic]

III. (Relevancy) [Tell us why this topic is relevant/significant]

IV. (Credibility) [State your credibility: what makes you an expert on the topic? What experience do you have with it?]

V. (Preview) [Give us a preview of topics you will be discussing – this is the list of the main points below]Informative Speech Assignment Paper

Transition: [include a transition statement. Simple “Let’s begin by talking about x” (name first main point) would suffice]


I. [Main Point I: In a full and complete sentence state your first main point]

A. [Sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point I above]

1. [Sub-sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above]Informative Speech Assignment Paper

2. [Sub-sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above ]

B. [Sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point I above]

Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about Main Point I, and are now mowing on to Main Point II]

II. [Main Point II: In a full and complete sentence state your second main point]

A. [Sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point II above]Informative Speech Assignment Paper

1. [Sub-sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above]

2. [Sub-sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above]

B. [Sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point II above]

Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about Main Point II, and are now mowing on to Main Point III]

III. [Continue building your outline, add or remove points as you see fit]


Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about Main Point III, and are now mowing on to Main Point IV, if you have one]Informative Speech Assignment Paper

Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about all your main points, and are ready to wrap up. You may simply state “Let’s review”]


I. [Provide a review of Main Points]

II. [End with a clincher/tag/exit line or final appeal]


�Please note: every point MUST come in at least a pair. This means that for every Subpoint A you should have at least a Subpoint B. For every sub-sub-point 1, there should at least be sub-sub-point 2. Add or remove additional supporting points as you see fit. Informative Speech Assignment Paper