Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment

Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment

Applied Statistics for Psychology Unit 3 Project: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics Project Question description


  • In this project you will be using the dataset called Stat_Grades.sav which is located in Doc Sharing under the Instructor-Graded Projects. The dataset, Stat_Grades.sav, is a sample of data collected from three sections of college statistics classes. The data describes 105 statistics students, including their Student ID, gender, ethnicity, year in school, etc. Please carefully review the dataset and understand all the variables and what they represent.
  • Insert your answers and work, including any charts, graphs, or output, on this document. Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment


There are many variables in Stat_Grades.sav that can be used to describe the students in the dataset. Use the variable Review and answer the following questions:

1. Using the Variable View in SPSS (lower left), write out how Review is labeled, and note how many Review categories are included.

2. What type of data and level of measurement does the Review variable represent: Is the data discrete or continuous? Is the data qualitative or quantitative? Is the data nominal, ordinal, ratio, or interval?Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment

3. Use SPSS to output the mean, median, and mode for the Review. Include the SPSS here. Which of the three descriptive numerical measures of central tendency (mean, median, or mode) BEST describes the variable Review? What information does the measure tell you about the students in the dataset (Stat_Grades.sav) – be specific?

4. Which of the three descriptive numerical measures of central tendency (mean, median, or mode) LEAST (or most poorly) describes the variable Review? Explain.

5. Choose the most appropriate graph to represent the variable Review. (There is more than one possible answer). Create the graph in SPSS and include it here. Be sure the graph is fully labeled. Does this graph confirm what the mode tells you about this dataset? Explain.Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment

(For questions 6 – 9): There are many variables in Stat_Grades.sav that can be used to describe the students in the dataset. Use the variable prevGPA  (previous GPA) and answer the following questions:

6. What type of data and level of measurement does the prevGPA variable represent: Is the data discrete or continuous? Is the data qualitative or quantitative? Is the data nominal, ordinal, ratio, or interval?


7. Use SPSS to output the mean, median, and mode for the prevGPA. Include the SPSS here. Which of the three descriptive numerical measures of central tendency (mean, median, or mode) BEST describes the variable prevGPA? What information does the measure tell you about the students in the dataset (Stat_Grades.sav)?Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment

8. Which descriptive numerical measure of central tendency is LEAST appropriate to describe the variable prevGPA? Use SPSS to output ONLY that one numerical measure. Include it here. Why is that numerical measure the least appropriate? What information does that measure tell you about the students in the dataset (Stat_Grades.sav)?

9. Choose the most appropriate graph to represent the variable prevGPA. Create the graph in SPSS and include it here. Be sure the graph is fully labeled. Discuss why you chose this graph type and what it tells you about the students in the class.Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment

Descriptive Statistics Project

(For questions 10-13): Relationships (correlation) between variables.

10. List all five quizzes, and include for each quiz, the numerical measures of mean, range, and standard deviation. Explain what these measures tell you about the quizzes as compared to each other. On which quiz did students appear to perform the best? Which quiz had the lowest performance? Which quiz had the highest variance (variation in scores) and what does that tell you about that quiz? (100 word minimum, fully explain, include SPSS).

Fill in this table, include the SPSS, and then explain and answer the other questions.

Mean Range Standard Deviation

Descriptive Statistics Project Assignment