Complementary Alternative & Therapies Paper.

Complementary Alternative & Therapies Paper.

For this assignment you will explore the research surrounding botanical healing which includes a variety of herbal medicines, dietary supplements, aromatherapy, and homeopathic medicines. Select a specific botanical healing therapy that interests you such as the herbal medicine St. John’s Wort, lavender aromatherapy, or a homeopathic regiment. Then find a current (no older than 5 years) original research article. This must be from a peer reviewed journal. Please make this a human study not an animal or in vitro study. Write a critique of the article that follows the format used in your text book. See pg 141-142 in your text for an example. Complementary Alternative & Therapies Paper.

  1. Being with posting the complete APA article reference. You will not have to do in text citations this week
  2. What is this Study About? This address the purpose of the study
  3. How was this Study done? This is what they actually did. Include framework if any, study design, sample, data collection any instruments.


  1. What were the Results of the Study?
  2. What additional Questions Might I have?
  3. How can I use this study? These are your nursing implications specific to the therapy and findings from this, not general implications for  any CAM  therapy
  4.  Often students restate the abstract, be sure you have put things in your own words. Complementary Alternative & Therapies Paper.
  5. You do not have to have title page. Critiques will no more than 2 pages
  6. Post your critique in as an attachment of the forum # 3 by Midnight Wednesday. Post a substantial response to another by Midnight Saturday. (Eastern time) Complementary Alternative & Therapies Paper.