Culture and Health Assignment Case Study

Culture and Health Assignment Case Study

Watch online video clips from the documentary “Unnatural Causes: Is Inequity Making Us Sick?” Go to, use the dropdown next to “Select Filter” in the center of the page in order to watch the clips associated with each episode.Culture and Health Assignment Case Study

  • Episode 5: Three Clips
  • Episode 6: Three Clips
  • Episode 7: Two Clips

Based upon ALL of the video clips you have watched over the last few weeks, thoroughly answer each part of the following questions.  Number your responses to correspond with each question – e.g., 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4c.Culture and Health Assignment Case Study

1. (a) Why do we typically think of health only in terms of health care and personal behaviors? (b) What are the sources of these messages? (c) Who benefits from them? Explain.


2. (a) What social and economic conditions support and encourage healthy choices? (b) What social and economic structures affect health that have nothing to do with individual choices?

3. When confronted with evidence of health inequities, many people from United States respond that the outcomes are unfortunate but not necessarily unjust. (a) Define the term “just”. Culture and Health Assignment Case Study (b) Do you agree or disagree that the outcomes are not necessarily unjust? Explain why or why not.

4. (a) What policies at the local, state or federal level (e.g., education, transportation, employment, etc.) might reduce social and economic inequities? (b) What would a more equitable society look like? (c) Who can make it happen?

*Utilizing and citing at least two new academic sources, investigate and expand upon all four questions.  Your class textbook WILL NOT count as a new academic source; Use APA style; See Rubric.Culture and Health Assignment Case Study