Nursing Assignment: Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers

Nursing Assignment: Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers

Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers

The first objective of the study was to assess the caring skills of mothers with premature babies

The present study findings revealed that, the mean pretest knowledge score of the respondents were 12.12. The mean post test knowledge score obtained was 18. The findings revealed that, the mean coping abilities of mothers with premature baby was 82.65. Chen et al. (1998) conducted a study on effectiveness of videotape education for mothers of prematurity. Nursing Assignment: Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers.


The researcher selected Sixty two mothers were randomly assigned to a control group or experimental group. During hospitalization mothers were assigned to the experimental group received additional study regarding the knowledge and skills of caring for premature infants. The mothers in the control group received routine educational care. The findings indicated that mothers who received a videotape education reported having more knowledge and confidence of caring their preterm babies than the mothers who were in the control group. Moreover mothers in the experimental group have perceived lower stress than in the control group.Nursing Assignment: Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers

The second objective of the study was to determine the effect of educational intervention on caring skills and coping ability of mothers with premature babies

The present study findings revealed that, that the mean pretest and post test knowledge score of respondents before and after the educational intervention on care of premature babies were 12.12 and 18 respectively. The t’ value is 21.32 for the mean difference in the pretest and post tests knowledge score of mothers with premature babies, it is significant at 0.05 levels. These findings substantiate that the educational intervention is effective intervention of knowledge gain.Nursing Assignment: Effectiveness of Educational Intervention for Mothers

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