Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study

Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study

Congress woman Eddie Bernice Johnson, is a representative in the 30th district of Texas. Mrs. Johnson, studied at St. Mary’s college, and later became a psychiatric nurse in Texas. Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study And is the 1st nurse elected to the U.S. Congress (ANA, 2017). Mrs. Johnson, has supported and sponsored healthcare in many ways, one of which is H.R. 379, National Nurse Act of 2015. H.R. 379, is to help bring preventive health forward to the public, and help with addressing health disparities, and set a goal for better health for the public (National Nurses, 2017). The National Nurse Act of 2015, gives the opportunity for nurses to discuss health and health care in America to millions about prevention, along with advocating to set new standards for more recognition of nurses, and the importance they serve in healthcare in the United States (National Nurses, 2017). Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study


In promoting such healthcare changes and supporting nurses in preventing conditions such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and substance abuse with activities in the community set out by the nurses that server there, can help decrease future healthcare cost, and give better quality of life to those we serve (National Nurses, 2017). Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study The responsibilities of the national nurse for public health is to ensure and promote public safety, and prepare for emergencies, and with people such as Mrs. Johnson advocating and pushing for nurses serving in an more active role, we can achieve great things.

Mrs. Johnson, is a long-term advocate for improved psychiatric treatment, and has helped support and sponsor the H.R. 2646, called the Helping Families in Mental Crisis Act of 2015. Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study It takes leaders of all levels to improve the nation’s mental healthcare system, and promote changes (NAMI, 2016). H.R. 2646, accommodates different perspectives on issues of mental healthcare, which includes crisis response services, grants to track inpatient beds, promote early intervention, and support integration of mental health (NAMI, 2016). Healthcare Changes Assignment Case Study