Role of a Mentor in Barriers to Learning Nursing Assignment Paper

Role of a Mentor in Barriers to Learning Nursing Assignment Paper

Role of a Mentor in Barriers to Learning

Critically analyze and discuss the role of the mentor in managing a student who is not achieving competence in some of their practice outcomes and is not demonstrating an appropriate knowledge base.Role of a Mentor in Barriers to Learning Nursing Assignment Paper

Within this assignment I will endeavor to explain the role of the mentor and student highlight the different barriers to learning, critically analyze different theoretical practices to enable learning and be able to theoretically underpin the strategies that I hope to put into practice as a mentor should I encounter a problem with a student being unable to underpin their knowledge with practice, Duffy and Hardicre (2007) suggest that mentors find that one of the most challenging aspects of the mentoring role, is when students are not achieving the expected level of performance. This essay is not concentrating of how to fail a student from the nursing course, but to discuss why a student may be having difficulty in showing the mentor that they are competent with some of their practice outcomes and the student being unable to show the mentor that they can relate their theoretical knowledge to the practice.


Role of a Mentor in Barriers to Learning Nursing Assignment Paper. The mentor is pivotal in being one of the first to usually recognise struggling students, and need to assess, plan, and evaluate how these obstacles can be removed, overcome, compensated for, or managed. This should be, documented, the form of an action plan devised by the student and the mentor perhaps with advice from sign-off mentors on the ward, or if required outside sources such as the disability adviser, or the educational link lecturer for the placement. Arguably the three main areas that can impede a student ability to learn are the mentor, the student and the placement environment.Role of a Mentor in Barriers to Learning Nursing Assignment Paper

The placement itself has may have some fixed constraints in terms of environment, room size, as well as some dynamic concerns such as learning opportunities, work load, time restraints, noise, temperature.

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