Ethical and Unethical Counselor Behavior Assignment Paper

Ethical and Unethical Counselor Behavior Assignment Paper

Ethical and Unethical Counselor Behavior

The ACA ethical guidelines state that counselors take steps to report the unethical behavior of their colleagues. However, there are a large number of behaviors that some counselors may believe are unethical while others do not.

The article you read by Neukrug and Milliken (2011) asked counselors to rate 77 behaviors as being ethical or unethical and found that counselors significantly disagreed about 31 of these behaviors. Review the list of these 31 behaviors in Table 3 on page 211 of the article “Counselors Perceptions of Ethical Behaviors.”

  • Select one of the behaviors from this list that you strongly believe is unethical, and present your views about why you believe this behavior is unethical.


  • Explain how you would deal with the situation, if you discovered one of your colleagues was engaging in this behavior. Describe the specific steps you would take, with reference to the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics and/or the 2010 ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors and at least one additional article from a peer-reviewed journal in counseling.

Follow APA sixth edition style and formatting guidelines in your post.

Ethical and Unethical Counselor Behavior Assignment Paper