Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

1.Which choices below best reflect the problem statement for the instructor-assigned article?

Hospitalization can result in emotional distress for family members of patients.

The convenience sample consisted of 30 persons.

To assess the feasibility of teaching a simple intervention to family members of patients in a Trauma ICU.

Scientific evidence of the effectiveness of aromatherapy and/or massage is scarce and typically weak. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

2. Which of the choices below best reflects the purpose statement for the instructor assigned article?


To evaluate the effect of a massage intervention on the feelings of family members.

This quasi-experimental pilot study was approved by the IRB at Texas Health Resources.

Aroma therapy and massage are common complimentary therapies.

Teaching family members to provide care for an acutely ill patient promotes feelings of empowerment.

3. According to Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015), which of the following statements are important when considering the significance and relevance of a study’s problem and purpose? (Select all that apply.)

Does it consider ethical principles in its design?

Does it address nursing research priorities?

Does it influence nursing practice? Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

Does it identify the population to whom they intend to generalize?

Does it promote theory testing or development?

Does it identify extraneous variables?

4. When considering the feasibility of a study’s problem and purpose, Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015) suggest that several areas should be evaluated, including: researcher expertise, money commitment, ethical considerations, and availability of subjects, facilities, and equipment. Which of the following statements accurately assesses the feasibility of this article? (select all that apply) Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

Funding sources for the study were not identified in the article.

The author’s credentials to design and conduct research are fully described. (p. 447)

Evidence of protection of the subjects’ rights was mentioned in this article. (p. 447)

100% of the eligible subjects contacted participated in the study.*

*does not applies because it was a convenience/ accidental sample

Questions 5 – 7: Review of the Literature. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 6 & 12.) Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

5. According to Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015), which one of the following is NOT a major purpose of the review of literature (ROL):

Describing the current knowledge of the practice problem

To explain the reasons behind the selection of the research design used in the study.

Identifying gaps in the knowledge base of the practice problem

Explaining how the current study contributes to the knowledge being built

6. Select three MAJOR topics covered in the review of literature (ROL) from the list below:

The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the feasibility of teaching a simple intervention to family members of patients in a trauma intensive care unit (ICU). A secondary aim was to determine effect size of the intervention as a means of calculating power and sample size for future studies. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

Hospitalization can result in emotional distress for family members of patients. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

A grounded-theory pilot study of the effect of family-delivered touch treatment on anxiety and depression of family members.

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was administered to each participant.

Aroma therapy and massage are common complimentary therapies.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of a massage intervention on the feelings of family members.

Family-centered care FCC provides a framework for delivering health care that emphasizes establishing and sustaining mutually beneficial partnerships between patients, their families, and health care providers. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

7. Current knowledge in the review of literature (ROL) (all information included before the “Methods”) is considered to be articles that are within 5 years of the publication date of the article. This is often assessed by reviewing the citations that are used in the ROL and counting the number that meet this criteria. Which number below most closely reflects the number of current citations in the ROL? (HINT-start with the year 2016 as the year published in the journal) Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.





Questions 8 – 10: Study Framework. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 7 & 12)

8. Which of these statements best describes this study’s research framework?

This study has an implicit framework, which is not fully developed.

Family-centered care FCC provides a framework for delivering health care that emphasizes establishing and sustaining mutually beneficial partnerships between patients, their families, and health care providers.

The authors developed the study’s research framework based on Watson’s Theory of Caring to describe the concept of caring for the self when faced with acute illness. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

This study uses a theoretical framework based on certain aspects of “Faye Abdellah’s Concept of Twenty One Nursing Problems” as defined by Abdellah (1960, 1973)

9. What is a key concept in this study’s research framework?

This study does not have any clearly defined concepts within a framework because it has an implicit framework.

A quasi-experimental pilot study of the effect of family-delivered touch treatment on anxiety and depression of family members.

Nurses practicing within an FCC framework deliver emotional care to patients’ family members, and family members may participate in the care of patients.

d. The authors clearly identify the concepts of the framework in a map or model.

10. Which one of the statements below is an example of a relational statement from the study or research framework?

One relational statement identified in the review of literature is that hand massage delivered by family members helps to improve the anxiety of the patient. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.

This study does not have any clearly defined relational statements because it has an implicit framework.

The authors clearly identify the relational statements of the framework in a map or model.

Questions 11 – 15: Research objectives, questions, or hypotheses and research variables. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 5 & 12)

11. The authors state that one of the research objective, question, or hypothesis was ”…to evaluate the effect of a massage intervention on their own feelings…”on the bottom of page 447. This is best described as a

Research objective

Research question

Research hypothesis

None of the above.

12. Which of these would be considered a MAJOR study variable (select all that apply)?



Patient vital signs

Hand massage

e. Family centered care

f. Depression

13. What is the conceptual definition (as defined in the review of the literature) of the following study variable: massage

the topical application of essential oils

manipulating muscle, joints, or skin by stroking or kneading and is frequently conducted using oils.

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)

the “M” technique

14. What is the operational definition (as defined in the methods section) of the following study variable: anxiety.

aroma therapy and massage are common complimentary therapies.

manipulating muscle, joints, or skin by stroking or kneading and is frequently conducted using oils.

the “M” technique

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)

15. Which demographic variables were assessed by the author for this study? (select all that apply)


Education level


Marital status


No demographic variables were assessed by the authors.

Questions 16- 19: Research Design (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 1, 8, & 12)

16. Which phrase best describes the research design of this study?






Mixed methods

17. Which phrase best describes the time element of the research design of this study?

a. Longitudinal design

b. Cross-sectional design

c. None of the above

18. Does the study include a treatment or intervention described in the methods section?

a. The questionnaire used in the study (HADS) may be considered to be a treatment or intervention.

b. Hand massage of patients in the ICU by family members with 5% bergamot oil mixed in almond oil.

c. The demographic survey was used as an intervention.

d. This study was not designed with a treatment or intervention.

19. Does the author specifically mention that a pilot study was done prior to conducting this study?

a. Yes

b. No

20. The authors indicate on page 58 of the article that informed consent was given and the hospital IRB approved this research project. According to Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015), which of the following would NOT be considered to be essential information for informed consent?

a. a statement of the research purpose and any long-term goals of the study

b. an explanation of the procedures to be followed in the study

c. a summary of the findings of the review of literature

d. an explanation of why the prospective subject is being asked to participate. Research Problem and Purpose Assignment Paper.