Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart

Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart

Construct a Run Chart, which tracks a “personal improvement” indicator of your choice for at least FIVE (5) days over the next week. Analyze your results (trends, patterns, better/worse). You will submit your information by the deadline in the Course Schedule.
Run Chart Assignment
Replace with Name
Replace with Date


A. Run Chart Title:

B. Describe this Run Chart:

C. Indicator:

D. Measurement Tool:

E. Data Collected:

(Replace with Run Chart)

F. Why This Project:

G. Thesis (What did you hope to find?): Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart

H. Analysis of Results:

I. Recommendations:
Your first assignment is to write a personal quality improvement indicator, collect data and then report this data as a run chart. You will have to get a minimum of 5 days worth of data, construct a run chart, analyze your data and make recommendations for change. Here is the process:

1. Select ANY behavior you want to improve. For example–flossing your teeth, reading (for fun), cooking, exercising, writing letters, not speeding when you drive etc. It MUST be something you can do for at least five days this week and it needs to be measurable and specific (remember good QI indicators are measurable and specific). Be careful if you select something like “be more organized” or “be kinder”. Think about HOW you will measure whether you were more organized or kinder? Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart
a. If I wanted to address “be more organized” a good indicator might be “responded to, correctly filed or discarded all mail (e-mail and hard copy) that I receive each day”.
b. A goal of “be kinder” can be made measurable by looking at the behaviors that are measurable such as “I will do one random or planned act of service every day this week”—now it becomes a measurable goal.

2. Review the purposes and uses of run charts, which were in the “tools to collect and analyze QI data” document in the Module 03 Course Documents folder.

3. Construct a run chart for the improvement indicator you selected. I am posting a “run chart” document in this module’s assignment folder, which was part of a previous assignment. Also, I have included an example of a run chart below. Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart

a. Construct your run chart
b. ANALYZE the data
c. FORMULATE recommendations for improvement.

Submit this to me using the link in this week’s assignment folder

4. Try using Excel or another spreadsheet program to graph your data. If you do not have access to a spreadsheet program, you may use Microsoft Word. You MAY have someone help you learn to use the graphing capability of Excel if you have never done graphing. Do NOT buy some sort of software program to complete this assignment.
If you use Microsoft Word Follow these steps to create a chart, such as a bar chart or a pie chart.
• On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab. If you have the new version of Word it is even easier—click the “insert tab” and then click “chart”
• In the Object type box, click Microsoft Graph Chart, and then click OK.
• Microsoft Graph displays a chart and its associated sample data in a table called a datasheet.
• To replace the sample data, click a cell on the datasheet, and then type the new text or numbers. If needed, you can import data from a text file, a Lotus 1-2-3 file, or a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can also copy data from another program.
• To return to Microsoft Word, click the Word document.
5. Contact me or post a question on the Module 04 Run Chart Help discussion board for help from other students if you run into problems.

6. Your graph should cover a time period NOT LESS than 5 days. When your graph is complete, EVALUATE YOUR DATA. Do you identify any trends or patterns? Your run chart should be used to establish whether the intervention you are using has been successful. Are you seeing improvement in the indicator, or do you need to make some changes? Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart
Here is an example of a run chart:

Construct a Run Chart, which tracks a “personal improvement” indicator of your choice for at least FIVE (5) days over the next week. Analyze your results (trends, patterns, better/worse). You will submit your information by the deadline in the Course Schedule.
Run Chart Assignment
Replace with Name
Replace with Date

A. Run Chart Title:

B. Describe this Run Chart:

C. Indicator:

D. Measurement Tool:

E. Data Collected:

(Replace with Run Chart)

F. Why This Project:

G. Thesis (What did you hope to find?):

H. Analysis of Results:

I. Recommendations:
Your first assignment is to write a personal quality improvement indicator, collect data and then report this data as a run chart. You will have to get a minimum of 5 days worth of data, construct a run chart, analyze your data and make recommendations for change. Here is the process: Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart

1. Select ANY behavior you want to improve. For example–flossing your teeth, reading (for fun), cooking, exercising, writing letters, not speeding when you drive etc. It MUST be something you can do for at least five days this week and it needs to be measurable and specific (remember good QI indicators are measurable and specific). Be careful if you select something like “be more organized” or “be kinder”. Think about HOW you will measure whether you were more organized or kinder?
a. If I wanted to address “be more organized” a good indicator might be “responded to, correctly filed or discarded all mail (e-mail and hard copy) that I receive each day”.
b. A goal of “be kinder” can be made measurable by looking at the behaviors that are measurable such as “I will do one random or planned act of service every day this week”—now it becomes a measurable goal.

2. Review the purposes and uses of run charts, which were in the “tools to collect and analyze QI data” document in the Module 03 Course Documents folder.

3. Construct a run chart for the improvement indicator you selected. I am posting a “run chart” document in this module’s assignment folder, which was part of a previous assignment. Also, I have included an example of a run chart below. Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart

a. Construct your run chart
b. ANALYZE the data
c. FORMULATE recommendations for improvement.

Submit this to me using the link in this week’s assignment folder

4. Try using Excel or another spreadsheet program to graph your data. If you do not have access to a spreadsheet program, you may use Microsoft Word. You MAY have someone help you learn to use the graphing capability of Excel if you have never done graphing. Do NOT buy some sort of software program to complete this assignment.
If you use Microsoft Word Follow these steps to create a chart, such as a bar chart or a pie chart.
• On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab. If you have the new version of Word it is even easier—click the “insert tab” and then click “chart”
• In the Object type box, click Microsoft Graph Chart, and then click OK.
• Microsoft Graph displays a chart and its associated sample data in a table called a datasheet.
• To replace the sample data, click a cell on the datasheet, and then type the new text or numbers. If needed, you can import data from a text file, a Lotus 1-2-3 file, or a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can also copy data from another program. Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart
• To return to Microsoft Word, click the Word document.
5. Contact me or post a question on the Module 04 Run Chart Help discussion board for help from other students if you run into problems.

6. Your graph should cover a time period NOT LESS than 5 days. When your graph is complete, EVALUATE YOUR DATA. Do you identify any trends or patterns? Your run chart should be used to establish whether the intervention you are using has been successful. Are you seeing improvement in the indicator, or do you need to make some changes?
Here is an example of a run chart: Personal Improvement Indicator Run Chart