PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment

PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment

Epigenetics Description Assignment

1. Watch the epigenetics video from PBS. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/epigenetics.html

2. Interview your family members and complete the Family History-Dr. Oz.pdf . Find out which disease(s) you are most at risk for. (document is attached)

3. Research and locate one article on epigenetics and whatever disease you are most at risk for (select a study on research conducted on humans) from a reputable academic source:


Reputable Sources:

  • journal articles
  • government publications based on research

Do not use:

  • magazines of any sort, whether they are on paper or online
  • Websites of any type, including epigenetics websites
  • Wikipedia

How to Perform Your Epigenetics Description Assignment Research

Use the College Library in person or online (log in with your new MDC ID number (the one that is all numbers). Your password is the last four digits of that same MDC ID unless you have changed it. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.

Read the epigenetics article you find. Continue your paper with a discussion of the epigenetics article. Be sure to paraphrase (put things in your own words) and be sure to cite the author(s) of the article you find using APA style (see the section below on using APA style). Aim for about a page for this part of your paper.

4. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.

5. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.

6. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.

Paper Rules
? 1,000 words

? Original work; plagiarism score of less than 10% (90% original work)

? Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

? Covers all 6 tasks

? Spellchecked

? College-level grammar

? Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

? No abstract, no cover

? Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

PSY201 – General Psychology

Essay Paper #2 on Epigenetics Description

20 points

The answer to the following question must be in essay form (with a clear introduction, organized body, and conclusion that summarizes), typed and double-spaced.  Make sure you have thoroughly read the chapter and all of the supplements and completed the activity before beginning this PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment paper.

  • Explain epigenetics (from Supplement 2c) and describe the human epigenome study and its results (in detail). Use the information from Chapter 4 on the gene-environment interaction, the information in Supplement 2b and Supplement 2c to propose a detailed explanation for how our genes and environment interact to produce a disorder such as depression (hint: you need to explain both how our genes can affect our environment and how our environment may affect the expression of our genes and how all of this leads to the development of depression in an individual).

PSY201 – General Psychology Supplement 2b on Epigenetics Description

Gene-EnvironmenInteraction (p. 137)

The following information supplements the information given in your book on the above page:

Randy Larsen and Davis Buss are two behavioral geneticists that have conducted a review of the literature on the three ways in which genes and environment interact to influence our traits and behaviors.  PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment. These interactions are called “genotype-environment correlations,” and are summarized below:

Passivgenotype correlation occurs when parents provide both genes and the environment to children, but the children have done nothing to elicit their parents’ responses. For example, parents who are verbally articulate may pass on their genes to their children. Because the parents are highly verbal they may also buy a lot of books. A significant correlation between children’s verbal ability and the number of books in their home is passive in that the child has done nothing to affect the presence of books.

Reactivgenotype-environmencorrelation occurs when parents respond differently to children, depending on each child’s genotype and behavior. Some babies may love to be touched and cuddled; others are more aloof. Parents may start treating their children the same, but over time, because of the children’s different responses, they cuddle one much more than the other. As a result, differences in the children’s sociability grow.

Activgenotype-environmencorrelation occurs when a person with certain genetic predispositions selects a particular environment. For example, high sensation-seekers may seek risky environments—e.g., skydiving, motorcycle jumping, even drug taking. Very intelligent individuals may read books, attend lectures, and engage others in vigorous debate. This active selection of environments has been called niche picking and vividly demonstrates how we are not merely passive recipients of our environments but that we mold and create them. They, in turn, mold us.

Larsen and Buss make the important point that genotype-environment correlations may be positive or negative. That is, environments can encourage or discourage the expression of a specific genetic predisposition. Parents of very active children may try to get them to calm down, while parents of more passive children may try to foster liveliness. People who are very outspoken may be positively reinforced by an approving audience, but they may also elicit a negative reaction from others who try to “bring them down to size.”


Larsen, R. J., & Buss, D. M. (2008). PersonalitpsychologyDomainoknowledgabouhumanature (3rd ed.). New York: McGrawHill.

Epigenetics Description Sample Essay

My Research questions are:

Does the local calendar of events, on the weekend impact school attendance on Monday?

Do students miss more school on Monday, if there is a holiday or special event on Sunday?

Is this more significant, as it relates to absences, than illness? PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.


I predict that there is a relationship between attendance, and major weekend activities. In my opinion, when there is a major event on Sunday evening, like the football game, or a holiday, the attendance will be influenced.

The data I am going to gather includes: the expected or reported participation in Sunday events. This will include attendance and participation data for local calendar of events, and major national events on Mondays, including holidays, sports events like the super bowl or world series, major concerts at local venues, and other similar events. I will then observe the number of students absent or tardy on the corresponding Mondays, to calculate the number of students who are late or missing from class.

The data will be useful to make predictions about student attendance and participation, because I can compare the influence that different entertainment events have on attendance between different types of events. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment. Then, I can determine what the relationship is between them.

Through this comparison, I will be able to tell if there is a significant loss of attendance on Mondays, after a Sunday evening event.

In the meantime, I will also collect data related to student illness. I want to make sure that Sunday events is the main cause of absence, and not unrelated illness. This data can help me identify the data is resulting from causality, or correlation.

The significance obstacle that needs addressed is that students could skip school because of work, or for personal reasons not related to the special event or illness, which could impact attendance.

Epigenetics Description Assignment

1. Watch the epigenetics video from PBS. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics in your own words and discussing your reaction to the video. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/epigenetics.html

2. Interview your family members and complete the Family History-Dr. Oz.pdf . Find out which disease(s) you are most at risk for. (document is attached)

3. Research and locate one article on epigenetics and whatever disease you are most at risk for (select a study on research conducted on humans) from a reputable academic source: PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.

Reputable Sources:

  • journal articles
  • government publications based on research

Do not use:

  • magazines of any sort, whether they are on paper or online
  • Websites of any type, including epigenetics websites
  • Wikipedia

How to Perform Your Epigenetics Description Assignment Research

Use the College Library in person or online (log in with your new MDC ID number (the one that is all numbers). Your password is the last four digits of that same MDC ID unless you have changed it.

Read the epigenetics article you find. Continue your paper with a discussion of the epigenetics article. Be sure to paraphrase (put things in your own words) and be sure to cite the author(s) of the article you find using APA style (see the section below on using APA style). Aim for about a page for this part of your PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment paper.

4. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.

5. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.

6. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

Paper Rules
? 1,000 words

? Original work; plagiarism score of less than 10% (90% original work)

? Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

? Covers all 6 tasks

? Spellchecked

? College-level grammar

? Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

? No abstract, no cover

? Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

PSY201 – General Psychology

Essay Paper #2 on Epigenetics Description

20 points

The answer to the following question must be in essay form (with a clear introduction, organized body, and conclusion that summarizes), typed and double-spaced.  Make sure you have thoroughly read the chapter and all of the supplements and completed the activity before beginning this PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment paper.

  • Explain epigenetics (from Supplement 2c) and describe the human epigenome study and its results (in detail). Use the information from Chapter 4 on the gene-environment interaction, the information in Supplement 2b and Supplement 2c to propose a detailed explanation for how our genes and environment interact to produce a disorder such as depression (hint: you need to explain both how our genes can affect our environment and how our environment may affect the expression of our genes and how all of this leads to the development of depression in an individual).

PSY201 – General Psychology Supplement 2b on Epigenetics Description

Gene-EnvironmenInteraction (p. 137)

The following information supplements the information given in your book on the above page:

Randy Larsen and Davis Buss are two behavioral geneticists that have conducted a review of the literature on the three ways in which genes and environment interact to influence our traits and behaviors.  These interactions are called “genotype-environment correlations,” and are summarized below:

Passivgenotype correlation occurs when parents provide both genes and the environment to children, but the children have done nothing to elicit their parents’ responses. For example, parents who are verbally articulate may pass on their genes to their children. Because the parents are highly verbal they may also buy a lot of books. A significant correlation between children’s verbal ability and the number of books in their home is passive in that the child has done nothing to affect the presence of books. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.

Reactivgenotype-environmencorrelation occurs when parents respond differently to children, depending on each child’s genotype and behavior. Some babies may love to be touched and cuddled; others are more aloof. Parents may start treating their children the same, but over time, because of the children’s different responses, they cuddle one much more than the other. As a result, differences in the children’s sociability grow.

Activgenotype-environmencorrelation occurs when a person with certain genetic predispositions selects a particular environment. For example, high sensation-seekers may seek risky environments—e.g., skydiving, motorcycle jumping, even drug taking. Very intelligent individuals may read books, attend lectures, and engage others in vigorous debate. This active selection of environments has been called niche picking and vividly demonstrates how we are not merely passive recipients of our environments but that we mold and create them. They, in turn, mold us. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.

Larsen and Buss make the important point that genotype-environment correlations may be positive or negative. That is, environments can encourage or discourage the expression of a specific genetic predisposition. Parents of very active children may try to get them to calm down, while parents of more passive children may try to foster liveliness. People who are very outspoken may be positively reinforced by an approving audience, but they may also elicit a negative reaction from others who try to “bring them down to size.”

Larsen, R. J., & Buss, D. M. (2008). PersonalitpsychologyDomainoknowledgabouhumanature (3rd ed.). New York: McGrawHill.

Epigenetics Description Sample Essay

My Research questions are:

Does the local calendar of events, on the weekend impact school attendance on Monday?

Do students miss more school on Monday, if there is a holiday or special event on Sunday?

Is this more significant, as it relates to absences, than illness?

I predict that there is a relationship between attendance, and major weekend activities. In my opinion, when there is a major event on Sunday evening, like the football game, or a holiday, the attendance will be influenced.

The data I am going to gather includes: the expected or reported participation in Sunday events. This will include attendance and participation data for local calendar of events, and major national events on Mondays, including holidays, sports events like the super bowl or world series, major concerts at local venues, and other similar events. I will then observe the number of students absent or tardy on the corresponding Mondays, to calculate the number of students who are late or missing from class.

The data will be useful to make predictions about student attendance and participation, because I can compare the influence that different entertainment events have on attendance between different types of events. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment. Then, I can determine what the relationship is between them.

Through this comparison, I will be able to tell if there is a significant loss of attendance on Mondays, after a Sunday evening event.

In the meantime, I will also collect data related to student illness. I want to make sure that Sunday events is the main cause of absence, and not unrelated illness. This data can help me identify the data is resulting from causality, or correlation.

The significance obstacle that needs addressed is that students could skip school because of work, or for personal reasons not related to the special event or illness, which could impact attendance. PBS Video Epigenetics Description Essay Assignment.