Nurses Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment

Nurses Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment

EBP Assignment on Nurses’ Management of Pain: How effective are nurses in assessing, monitoring and managing pain in critically ill patients?

Critically review the research literature pertaining to an area of your professional practice.


The coursework aims to provide students with the opportunity to undertake an in-depth exploration of the research evidence, available in the literature, to address a research question.  This question must be relevant to your professional practice and have clear connections to local and / or national priorities in health and social care.


On completion of the coursework you should be able to demonstrate how the intended module learning outcomes have been met. These are:

  1. Devise, design and execute a detailed research or evidence-based practice study in a chosen area relevant to collaborative person-centred practice and local and/or national priorities in health and social care.
  2. Systematically gather and critically evaluate data, using this information to synthesise arguments to inform professional practice across contexts. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.
  3. Critically evaluate the study findings and communicate these using an appropriate written format.

EBP Assignment on Nurses’ Management of Pain Guidelines

Choose a FOCUS Area

The selection of the focus area or topic for your review is the first and most important step.  There are some important considerations for you to bear in mind.

  • It should be an area in which you are personally interested; one that has been researched sufficiently for you to identify access, retrieve and review   the research literature pertaining to the topic.
  • There should be a clear link with an aspect of policy and practice and the focus area selected must have application to your chosen profession. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.
  •  Be aware that some focus areas can be personally upsetting.  For example, reviewing as aspect of bereavement can be emotionally demanding if you are also personally bereaved.  Consider whether your chosen focus has a risk on this for you and discussion this with your seminar leader. Focus areas should relate to professional interests and areas that are potentially personally upsetting should be avoided.

Identify a reseaRch question or Hypothesis

A question or hypothesis should be identified from the topic that can be addressed through a review of relevant research literature.  The question should be sufficiently narrow that the review is achievable within the time constraints of the module.

search THE RESEARCH literature

In order to search the research literature for your review, you are expected to draw from the skill which you have acquired from your previous modules.  Success with your search will depend on the use of key words and other search strategies, which relate to your topic area.  You may have to use both manual and electronic database searches.  A comprehensive approach to your search will be required.  The report of it should include sufficient detail for the search to be replicable. Therefore, you are strongly advised to keep good records of your search strategy. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.

Undertake a critical review of the relevant research literature

Undertake a critical review of the primary research literature which addresses your question, or hypothesis using a systematic approach.    These must be primary research studies, not reviews or discursive literature (though these may be considered in the background section).

It will need to identify the following:

  • The quality of each of the papers. This can be done using a critical appraisal tool.
  • The relevance of each paper to the review question. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.
  • The main themes across the papers as a whole. This can be done using a data extraction tool. Themes may include:
    • Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks
    • Common findings
    • Common limitations
  • Relevance and implications of the findings for policy, practice and future research.

PRESENT YOUR EBP Assignment on Nurses’ Management of Pain REVIEW

The review should normally be structured and presented in the format below.

Title page

Include your student number, title, module details, word count etc as usual


This should be a short half-page summary of the key components of your review. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.

Acknowledgements (optional)

Table of contents

List of figures/tables

List of appendices

Introduction (1000 words)

The review should begin with a clear introduction in which the following should be made evident:

  • The background and / or context of the review
  • The importance and significance of the review including its relevant to collaborative person-centred practice and local and/or national priorities in health and social care.
  • The relevance of the review to nursing or midwifery practice.
  • The review question should be stated and the key terms within it should be defined.

Method (800- 1000 words)

The section should be an account of the search strategy used to scope and retrieve the research literature for review which must demonstrate that you have taken a comprehensive approach. The account should contain sufficient details and information for the search to be replicable. The following should be evident:

  • The databases searched and the rational for their use.
  • Use of tools such as PICO, SPIDER etc. to refine review questioned identifies search terms and structure search strategy.
  • Search terms used to include key words and subject headings. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.
  • Use of any other forms of searching utilised i.e. pearl search, hand searching of journals, citation searching, reference list searching, searches for grey literature/
  • Number of hits obtained from each search
  • Details of how studies were limited through inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Data handling process to review the i.e. titles, abstract or full report
  • Data extraction process

This information may be presented in table and/ or figure from. Examples of electronic search strategies can be included as an appendix.

Results (no more than 1000 words)

The results section should include

  • The results of the search
  • The quality of each of the papers retrieved (possibly tabulated). This can be done using a critical appraisal tool.
  • The relevance of each paper to the review question
  • Synthesise the main findings across the papers as a whole. This can be done using a data extraction tool. Consideration of finding may include:
  • Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks
  • Common findings. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.
  • Common limitations
  • Relevance and implications for policy, practice and future research.

Discussion (500 words)

Critically evaluate the implications of the themes and concepts that you determined from your review. Include:

  • Recommendations for person-centred practice
  • Implications for local and national priorities in health and social care
  • Recommendations for further research that may be required where gaps in knowledge exist. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.

EBP Assignment on Nurses’ Management of Pain Conclusion (500 words)

  • Your conclusion should draw together the main points of your review. It should answer your review question. It should give clear implications of the findings and make future recommendations for both research and practice.

EBP Assignment on Nurses’ Management of Pain References

  • You must reference your work using the Coventry University Harvard Reference System. Details can be found at the following web address: Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.


  • Avoid too many appendices as all information should be presented as a coherent account, with illustrations, tables, etc. appearing where they are discussed in the script. Print outs of electronic search strategies can be included as an appendix.

The following list is general and not exhaustive relevant specialist reading will be given within lectures and seminars. You should you use both recommended reading and module materials to support you in your learning of the research literature review process. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.

Aveyard H (2010) Doing a literature review in health and social care: A Practical Guide. Maidenhead: Mcgraw Hill/Open University Press

Booth A., Papaioannou D., and Sutton A. (2010) Systematic approaches to a successful literature review, London: Sage

Bowling, A. (2014) Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. 4th ed.  Maidenhead: Open University Press

Cluett R, Bluff R (eds) (2006) Principles and Practice of Research in Midwifery.     Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone

Ellis. P (2013) Understanding Research for Nursing Students ( 2nd Edition) ,  London: Sage

Gerrish, K. Lacey, A.  (2010) The Research Process in Nursing. (6th edition) Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.

Greenhalgh T. (2014) How to Read a Paper: the basics of evidence-based Medicine (5th Edition) Willey – Blackwell/ BMJI books.

Oliver P. (2010) The students’ guide to research ethics, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Polgar, S and Thomas, S.A. (2013) Introduction to Research in the Health Sciences. 6th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier

Polit DF and Beck CT (2014) Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for     Nursing Practice. 8th ed. Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Rees C (2011) Introduction to Research for Midwives. (3rd edition). Edinburgh:       Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier

Ridley D (2012) The Literature Review: A Step by Step Guide for Students.       London: Sage

Sinclair M (2007) Editorial: a guide to understanding theoretical and conceptual       frameworks. Evidence Based Midwifery 5 (2) 39

Siu C, Comerasamy H (2013) Doing a Research Project in Nursing and Midwifery:     A Basic Guide to Research Using the Literature Review Methodology. London: Sage. Nurses’ Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.

Steen M, Roberts T (2011) Handbook of Midwifery Research. Chichester: wiley-Blackwell

Thomson G, Dykes F (2011) Qualitative Research in Midwifery and ChildbirthLondon: Routledg

Williamson, G. And Whittaker A. (2014) Succeeding in literature reviews and research project plans for Nursing Students (second edition) London: Sage. Nurses Management of Pain EBP Essay Assignment.