Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples
Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples
Biological Evolution in the media statement: Find a comment or statement that has to do with Biological Evolution in the media. It can be correct or completely wrong (YES, there is lots of incorrect information about evolution in the media). Then you need to cite the date and the source of the information/comment/statement and then tell me very very briefly (in a paragraph or two) what was said in the statement. If you are commenting on incorrect or mis-information then you need to take it a step farther and include (very very briefly) why it is incorrect. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.
Below are a few reasons why you will not get credit or full credit…. Do not send me something that is not current…..I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT… AND YOU WILL GET NO CREDIT! ex. a magazine article from Nov. 2013 *Current means 2018
Do not send me something that is not about biological evolution (ex. I do not want any astrophysics
Please pay attention to your spelling and grammer….Hey you are in college so turn in something of quality!
Biological Evolution in the media statement Examples
Below are a couple of 15 point Examples.
Date and Source: Corpus Christi Caller Times Newspaper Sunday 7 th September 2018.
Who said it: Senator Paul “dub” Johnson from Kingsville Texas was cited that in an article where he was talking at a campaign rally in Austin Texas.
What was the statement; Senator Johnson was quoted as telling his constituents at a rally that he is not related to monkeys and they should not be teaching that in school. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.
Mis-information: Mr. Johnson is incorrect; Yes, we are related to primates (there are tons of biochemical, fossil, and morphological data to support this)
Date and Source: Science AAS magazine (Science Shot News; August 2018).
Who said it: Mr. Michael Balter reporter and author of the article.
What was the statement; Mr. Balter reported on some Venezuelan fossils that provided clues to
dinosaur evolution…The fossils expands the range of a particular group of dinosaurs and
provides evidence that they lived in warm, tropical climates
Biological Evolution in the media statement: Find a comment or statement that has to do with Biological Evolution in the media. It can be correct or completely wrong (YES, there is lots of incorrect information about evolution in the media). Then you need to cite the date and the source of the information/comment/statement and then tell me very very briefly (in a paragraph or two) what was said in the statement. If you are commenting on incorrect or mis-information then you need to take it a step farther and include (very very briefly) why it is incorrect. That’s it; assignment done. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.
Below are a few reasons why you will not get credit or full credit…. Do not send me something that is not current…..I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT… AND YOU WILL GET NO CREDIT! ex. a magazine article from Nov. 2013 *Current means 2018
Do not send me something that is not about biological evolution (ex. I do not want any astrophysics
Please pay attention to your spelling and grammer….Hey you are in college so turn in something of quality!
Biological Evolution in the media statement Examples
Below are a couple of 15 point Examples.
Date and Source: Corpus Christi Caller Times Newspaper Sunday 7 th September 2018.
Who said it: Senator Paul “dub” Johnson from Kingsville Texas was cited that in an article where he was talking at a campaign rally in Austin Texas.
What was the statement; Senator Johnson was quoted as telling his constituents at a rally that he is not related to monkeys and they should not be teaching that in school. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.
Mis-information: Mr. Johnson is incorrect; Yes, we are related to primates (there are tons of biochemical, fossil, and morphological data to support this)
Date and Source: Science AAS magazine (Science Shot News; August 2018).
Who said it: Mr. Michael Balter reporter and author of the article. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.
What was the statement; Mr. Balter reported on some Venezuelan fossils that provided clues to
dinosaur evolution…The fossils expands the range of a particular group of dinosaurs and
provides evidence that they lived in warm, tropical climates. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.
How can one tell when a medical decision is made well: Read pages 16-27 and answer the following question:
How can one tell when a medical decision is made well. What in your view is the criterian for good medical decision making.
You can use your own opinion thats fine and it has to be at least 200 words. Biological Evolution in the media statement Essay Assignment Examples.