Special/Diverse Population essay

Special/Diverse Population essay

Report and Presentation Assignment on Special/Diverse Population Objective: Students will choose a special/diverse population topic to conduct their research and develop PowerPoint/Prezi Presentation. The topics are indicated below. The student chooses the topic that he/she would like to research. Additionally, students will develop a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation that supports written report. The written paper must be in accordance with APA guidelines and be a minimum of five [5] pages (not including title or reference page).
1. Assignment must have a cover page (centered). The cover page must include: name, date, course number and title, assignment name, and university. Special/Diverse Population essay


2. Assignment should be written in Times New Roman, 12-font, double-spaced, style (no spacing-this is the tab under Home on the top right AaBbCcDd).
3. Student should pick a special/diverse population to conduct his/her written report and presentation.
a. Single Parents and Displaced Homemakers
b. Welfare-to-Work Clients
c. The Working Poor
d. Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
e. Displaced or Dislocated Workers
f. The Homeless Population
g. Older Workers. Special/Diverse Population essay
h. Offenders and Ex-Offenders
i. People with Physical and/or Mental Disabilities
j. People with Chemical Dependency
k. Veterans
l. People of Color (African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian or Native American)
m. LGBT Population
n. Gender Issues in the Workplace

4. In the last section of your paper (commentary), address the impact that your topic of choice would have on school age children (PreK -12). For example: The barriers that these children may possibly face. The additional resources that may be needed to help in their educational endeavors. Your commentary should be no longer than ¾ page.
5. Student should have a minimal of 4 sources. Sources must come from professional journals (NO website articles-points will be deducted) and be no older than 10 years (2008-2018). Use JSU library (http://sampson.jsums.edu/screens/OPAC.html) to find relevant articles. Articles MUST be uploaded to CANVAS with completed assignment.
6. After developing five (5) page written report, students will develop PowerPoint/Prezi presentation and present to the class through recorded program directed by instructor.
7. This assignment is worth 50 points. Due date is Monday, October 1 @ 11:59 P.M.
8. Once you have selected your topic, you may begin composing your Special/Diverse Population Report and Presentation. However, you will not submit assignment until Week 6. The deadline is Monday, October 1, 2018 @ 11:59 P.M. Special/Diverse Population essay