Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment

Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment

Using Evidence Base  research, perform research on the following:

  • ·      Assessment, diagnostic testing, and management of infectious conditions in a pediatric patient
  • Differential diagnoses for presentation of symptoms involving infectious diseases in pediatric patients

After completing your research, consider this scenario:

An eighteen-month-old child, well-known to your practice, presents with a seven-day history of fever ranging from 101 to 104.7 degrees Fahrenheit. On the fourth day of the fever, the emergency department had performed the following tests: Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment.


  • ·      A blood and urine culture
  • ·      A complete blood count
  • ·      A comprehensive metabolic panel

The culture reports were found to be negative.

Today, the vitals of the child are the following:

  • ·      Temperature: 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit
  • ·      Heart rate: 120 beats/minute
  • ·      Respiratory rate: 20 breaths/minute
  • ·      Blood pressure: 90/40

Physical examination of the child indicates the following positive findings:

  • ·      Injected conjunctiva
  • ·      Palmar redness
  • ·      Magenta-colored lips
  • ·      Red macula
  • ·      Excoriating rashes in the diaper area
  • Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment

On the basis of the above information, respond to the following:

  • ·      What will be your differential diagnoses for this patient?
  • ·      What specific physical exam findings support these differential diagnoses?
  • ·      Of the differential diagnoses you listed, which would be the most concerning?
  • ·      What additional diagnostic tests will you recommend? Why?
  • ·      What would be your focus for caregiver education?
  • Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment

Infectious Diseases in Children Sample

What will be your differential diagnoses for this patient?  Measles, scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease, and roseola are included as differential diagnoses.

What specific physical exam findings support these differential diagnoses?  Measles presents as a maculopapular, erythematous rash that appears behind the ears, before spreading to the trunk and limbs (Watkins, 2013).  The child will appear ill and be running a high fever.  They may complain of fever, conjunctivitis, and a cough before presentation of the rash.  Koplik’s spots develop on the buccal mucosa. Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment. With scarlet fever, a sudden onset of fever, sore throat, enlargement of the cervical glands, nausea, vomiting, sometimes abdominal pain and a red strawberry tongue are the first complaints (Watkins, 2013).  A rash of fine, punctate macules appears on the upper trunk and spreads, leaving circumoral pallor on the face.  Patients with Kawasaki disease present with high fever lasting more than three days, red eyes without discharge, a rash on the trunk and genitals, red and dry lips with strawberry tongue, swollen and red skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, swollen cervical lymph nodes, and irritability (Kawasaki disease, 2018).  The first signs of Roseola are a high fever that persists for 3-5 days.  Next a blanchable maculpapular rash of pale pink papules appears on the trunk and spreads to the face and limbs (Watkins, 2013).  Patients can also have erythematous papules on the soft palate.  Sore throat, cold and cough may also be present. Infectious Diseases in Children Essay Assignment.