Public Health Essay Assignment Project

Public Health Essay Assignment Project

The Final Project Public Health – For your final project:

There are two products to complete and submit as the final project; a paper and a PowerPoint.

A. Produce a written summary of all assignments that you have completed throughout this course. Specifically, present the following components as the final draft of your health promotion program written proposal;


  • Introduction to the Project
  • Epidemiological and Needs Assessments Summary
  • Risk Factors, Goals, Objectives and Educational Plans
  • Marketing Plans and Proposed Budget
  • Evaluation Plans
  • Leadership Needs and Collaborative Strategies

B. In a PowerPoint presentation, develop a visual summary of the aforementioned components. Develop one or two slides for each of the six components listed. Remember to balance each slide with graphics and text as to maintain visual appeal. Public Health Essay Assignment Project.

Present your written summary as a 6-8 page Microsoft Word document. Please include APA-style formatted references in the body of the paper and as a reference list. Please use Microsoft Powerpoint to develop a presentation of 10-12 slides (not including cover slide or reference slides). Upload both documents to appropriate Unit dropbox by the due date.

2nd Assignment: The Final Project Public Health

In the final part of your course Assignment, you will add your evaluation strategy and present your complete health campaign packet. This should include all of the previous sections you have been working on (including updates as per your instructor comments). Public Health Essay Assignment Project.

The following information should be included in your Assignment: Part III submission:

Health issue
Target Population (i.e. demographic data, vital statistics, etc.)
4Ps of Social Marketing
Promotional Strategies (i.e. printed and media)
Partnerships (i.e. agencies, community organizations, etc.)
Funding Source
Evaluation (new)

Assignment formatting:

The viewpoint and purpose of this assignment should be clearly established and sustained. Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Public Health Essay Assignment Project.

The paper must follow APA style guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors.



Develop a listing of new HIV/AIDS educational strategies an agency can use in a general community. Be creative and come up with innovative ideas along with several traditional methods. Public Health Essay Assignment Project.