Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Climate change is the major worldwide health problem facing the contemporary society. The potential effects of climate change on human health and the management of the issues is a great challenge to health professionals and climate change policy makers.Effective management of the health effects caused by climate change requires input from the civil society and all sectors of the local government. Additionally, new methods of international cooperation and collaboration between various academic disciplines are also necessary to address the health impact of climate change. It will be essential to involve the local communities in discussing, advocating, monitoring, and assisting with the adaptation process. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper


Health Impact of Climate Change

Floods, droughts, and storms

Natural disasters contribute many health effects, which range from physical injury and mortality and morbidity through the long lasting impact on mental health(Haines et al., 2006).Rapid increasing floods lead to many deaths because of a risk of drowning. Epstein (2005) confirms that several slow-rise river floods incidents also cause fatalities, whereby people drawn into them.Flooding also poses health risks because it may mobilize dangerous chemicals in the environment, including pesticides. Floods also increase diarrheal and respiratory diseases, thus posing health risks. Droughts may contribute many health effects, including infectious diseases. According to Costello et al. (2009), droughts can affect human health significantly because it increases risks of malnutrition and wildfires that cause respiratory diseases. Results from their study are similar to the ones of Haines et al. (2006), thus confirming the health effects of climate change. Both the two articles can apply to my capstone project because they contain useful information relating to the research topic. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

The majority of floods in the United States are caused by tropical hurricanes or storms. Catastrophic flooding can occur as a result of a giant ocean wave or tsunami. Tornados and hurricanes can cause high winds that result in significant damage. Floods that occur as a result of climate change can lead to both direct effects such as death and indirect effects such as diseases. Some studies show that victims of floods and high winds usually experience posttraumatic stress disorders. They take time to recover to normal situations after the floods, thus showing the effect of climate change on human health. Climate change is a predisposing factor for heavy floods, which affect health of the victims by causing posttraumatic stress disorders among other diseases. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Air pollution and allergens

Haines and Patz (2004) explain that the effects of some air pollutants on health seem to be greater during summer months. Their findings show that the levels of ozone are often higher during higher temperatures, and some studies confirm that ozone increases mortality. Haines and Patz (2004) also found that climate change can increase the risk of forest fires, which increase incidences of respiratory diseases. Their article is applies to my research topic because it explains health effects of climate change. McMichael, Woodruff, and Hales (2006) conducted a study on the effects of allergens on human health. Their findings show that climate change increases the risk of allergenic rhinitis, thus showing its relevance to my research topic. Patz and Kovats(2002) confirm that air pollution and allergens have significant health effects, which require immediate and effective measures.I will apply the information to my capstone project by explaining how a climate change leadsthe production of biogenic allergens, which affects human health. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Infectious diseases

Casimiro et al. (2006) explain that changes in humidity, sea level rise, rainfall, and temperature may affect the prevalence of infectious diseases.Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are sensitive to slight changes in humidity and temperature. The reappearance of infectious diseases in the recent years is partly contributed by changes in climate, thus confirming the effects of climate on human health (Casimiro et al., 2006). For instance, climate change causes flooding and many stagnant water pools, which provides a ground for mosquito breeding. This increases incidences of malaria and other water-borne diseases. The study conducted by Bosello, Roson, and Tol (2006)confirm that climate change increases the risk of infectious diseases. The findings are relevant to my research topic, and I can apply the information to my capstone project to explain how changes in climate can affect human health. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper


Neria, Nandi, and Galea (2008) explain that climate change has contributed significantly towards earthquakes, which in turn affect human health significantly. In every year, about 17 major earthquakes occur around the world, thus posing many problems to the population. In comparison to other natural disasters, earthquakes cause the highest risk of severe injury and damage. The level of damage depends on a number of factors, including how the affected area is populated. Earthquakes cause many events, which continue to affect the lives of the people over a prolonged period (Neria, Nandi, &Galea, 2008) Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper. Research shows that persistent disruptions from the earthquake significantly result in continued mental health problems. Significant studies show that the levels of general distress after an earthquake often return to normal after approximately 12 months. However, posttraumatic stress reactions usually take about 18 months to fade after the earthquake, thus showing the significant effect of this disaster on the population. Earthquake mainly occurs because of climate change hence showing that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)can be avoided by addressing the issue of climate change (Kukihara et al, 2014). The prevalence of PTSD differs widely among the survivors, with the adults being the mostly affected group. The variability in the prevalence of PTSD is partly due to differing trauma exposure levels and proximity to the earthquake epicenter.Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper


Climate change causes drought that can result in fires,thus leading to both direct and indirect effects such as death and health problems.Neria, Nandi, and Galea (2008) explain thatwildfires have mental health effects on both children and adults. Wildfire victims experience depression and posttraumatic distress disorder, which can affect their lives significantly. Screening of the survivors after a few months of incidence usually produces positive results for stress-related health problems such as mental illness. In addition to depression and PTSD, wildfires caused by the climate change also result in air pollution hence affecting the lives of the population (Kukihara et al, 2014). Wildfires increase the risk for respiratory diseases, thus affecting health of the population. Therefore, promoting the health of the population would require effective measures to address climate change. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Mitigation of Climate Change

The health effects of climate change are the same throughout the world with variability in the number of people affected and the magnitude of the damage. For instance, air pollution affects the health of people across the world. The difference occurs whereby developed countries produces more air pollutants than the developing countries hence showing that the level of damage also vary but the resulting diseases are similar.Therefore, mitigation strategies should target every part of the world without any neglect or discrimination. Climate change causessignificant health effects on human, which shows the need to implement effective measures to help address the issue effectively (Haines et al., 2006). Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper.NTo manage health effects of climate change, the civil society and all sectors of government should contribute their efforts in the process. Epstein (2005) explains that all parties must realize the need to protect the environment and prevent climate change to address the health challenges. Additionally, adoption of new measures of international cooperation and encouraging collaboration between several academic disciplines can also help to prevent climate change, which, willin turn, minimize or eradicate the associated health effects. It is also essential to encourage participation of the local communities in advocating, assisting, discussing and monitoring the process of adaptation to help address the health impact of climate change. A multidisciplinary and integrated approach should consider three key areas to achieve the desired results. Firstly, it is important to adopt policies to help minimize emissions of carbon and enhance carbon biosequestration, thus slowing down global warming and stabilizing temperatures(Haines et al., 2006). Secondly, the government should take actions to the events that link climate change to disease. Lastly, it is important to provide adequate public health systems to address adverse outcomes. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper


Climate change leads to many severe health problems that present challenges to healthcare professionals. Floods, droughts, and storms caused by changes in climate may result in malnutrition and otherinfectious diseases. Air pollution and allergens cause many respiratory diseases, which lead to many health implications. Many researchers suggest the need to provide effective measures to mitigate climate change and address the associated health problems. Effective management of the health effects of climate change requires combined efforts of the civil society and all sectors of the government as evident from the literature review. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper


Bosello, F., Roson, R., & Tol,R. S. (2006). Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change/Human health. Ecological Economics, 58(3), 579-591.

Casimiro, E., Calheiros, J., Santos,F. D., & Kovats, S. (2006). National assessment of human health effects ofclimate change in Portugal: approach and key findings. Environmental HealthPerspectives, 1950-1956.

Costello, A., Abbas, M., Allen, A.,Ball, S., Bell, S., Bellamy, R., …& Patterson, C. (2009). Managing thehealth effects of climate change: Lancet and University College LondonInstitute for Global Health Commission.The Lancet, 373(9676),1693-1733.Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Epstein, P. R. (2005). Climatechange and human health.New England Journal of Medicine, 353(14),1433-1436.

Haines, A., & Patz, J. A.(2004). Health effects of climate change. Jama, 291(1), 99-103.

Haines, A., Kovats, R. S.,Campbell-Lendrum, D., & Corvalán, C. (2006). Climate change and humanhealth: impacts, vulnerability, and public health. Public health, 120(7),585-596.Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper

Kukihara, H., Yamawaki, N., Uchiyama, K., Arai, S., &Horikawa, E. (2014).Trauma, depression, and resilience of earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster survivors of Hirono, Fukushima, Japan.Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 68(7), 524-533.

McMichael, A. J., Woodruff, R. E.,& Hales, S. (2006). Climate change and human health: present and futurerisks. The Lancet, 367(9513), 859-869.

Neria, Y., Nandi, A., &Galea, S. (2008). Post-traumatic stress disorder following disasters: a systematic review. Psychological medicine, 38(04), 467-480.

Patz, J. A., & Kovats, R. S.(2002). Hotspots in climate change and human health.BMJ: British MedicalJournal, 325(7372), 1094. Effects of Climate Change on Human Health Essay Assignment paper