Advocating for Social Justice Essay Assignment Paper

Advocating for Social Justice Essay Assignment Paper

Discussion: Advocating for Social Justice – Respond to the following:

  • What is the community health nurse’s role in advocating for social justice for vulnerable populations and in eliminating health disparities?
  • How do you see community health care and the role of the community health nurse changing in the future?


Post your response to this Discussion by Day 3. Respond to at least two colleagues’ postings, one in each Discussion thread, by Day 7. See the Week 6 Discussion area for details. Advocating for Social Justice Essay Assignment Paper

Practicum Assignment: Summary of Practicum Activities

Create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your practicum activities. Include a minimum of 6 slides (10 maximum) and the following information:

  • Location
  • Population you are working with and key health issues
  • Other members of the health care team or professionals you are collaborating with
  • Outline or summary of your practicum experience emphasizing health promotion and prevention activities and interventions
  • Ethical issues you are encountering
  • Reflection statement that imparts how your view of community/public health nursing and population-based care was impacted by the practicum experience

Post your PowerPoint presentation to the Summary of Practicum Activities Discussion byDay 5. View at least two of your colleagues’ presentations and provide specific feedback on their projects byDay 7. See the Week 6 Discussion area for details. Advocating for Social Justice Essay Assignment Paper

Virtual Practicum Team Discussion

Practicum Activities: Present Population-Based Nursing Care Project

This week create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. (See rubric in Course Info)


  • Post your PowerPoint presentation byday 5of this week.
  • Review all of your team members’ presentations.
  • Respond byDay 7to at leasttwoof your colleagues’ postings:

Please respond to the following:

  • Describe a potential evaluation plan.
  • Now that you have completed the project what is your role in advancing population-based care in your community?
  • In your current practice and as a health leader in your community how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the health of your community?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 6 Practicum Discussion area for details.. Advocating for Social Justice Essay Assignment Paper