Norm Violation Essay Assignment Reaction Paper

Norm Violation Essay Assignment Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper #1: Norm Violation

One way to study the power of social norms that govern our behavior is to violate a norm. A social norm is an implicit or explicit rule within a group regarding its members’ acceptable behaviors, values, or beliefs. Chapter 8 on conformity in your textbook should be of help for ideas and relevant psychological principles. Norm Violation Essay Assignment Reaction Paper


In your reaction paper, describe a norm you have violated OR you have witnessed in the past. Additionally, describe others’ reactions when you violated the social norm as well as your personal reaction to violating the norm. Apply theories or findings in social psychology that are relevant to and/or explain your social norm violation, others’ reactions, and/or your personal reaction. Your paper should 2.5 to 3 double spaced pages (1” margins), Times New Roman 12-point font. The grading rubric is below. Norm Violation Essay Assignment Reaction Paper.

You will submit the Norm Violation Essay Assignment Reaction paper on Blackboard.

Total points
1 Description of the particular social norm violation (either by you or one you have witnessed) 5
2 Description of your and/or other people’s reactions when the norm violation occurred 5
3 Application: Identify 2 principles, theories, or findings in the field of social psychology might be relevant to and/or explain your responses to questions 1 & 2. 10
4 Appropriate language, spelling and grammar 5
Total possible points: Norm Violation Essay Assignment Reaction Paper. 30