Observation of Toddlers Development Paper

Observation of  Toddlers Development Paper

IMPORTANT: You are responsible for reviewing all instructions, as well as the rubric, and asking any questions you may have PRIOR to submitting your paper.  It’s assumed that when you submit your paper, you are familiar with the rubric, and the requirements. The rubric will be used to grade every paper, and you will receive a copy which will serve as feedback on what areas require improvement.

Information: During the semester, you are asked to spend time with your choice of two of the following seven individuals:

1) an infant or toddler less than 18 months old, 2) a preschooler between 2 and 5 years old, 3) a student somewhere between first and 5th grade, 4) a student in middle, junior, or high school, 5) a person between 22 and 35 years old, 6) a person in their 40s or 50s, and 7) a person over the age of 70. Observation of Toddlers Development Paper


To give you a full sense of lifespan development, at least one of your papers needs to be from infant or preschooler, one from elementary, middle, high school, OR from adulthood (early, middle, late). Through your time with them, your job is to observe them through the eyes of a developmental psychologist.  Observation of a Toddler’s Development Paper. You should pull in information from your text (theories, concepts, assessments) as appropriate.

Document your experience making sure to address all questions. Be sure to provide specific examples of behaviors, assessments, or statements that helped you pinpoint where they are developmentally in physical/motor, cognitive/perceptual/moral, emotional/personality, and social domains.

Activities have been suggested for some age-ranges; these are suggestions which can help you obtain information-use them at your discretion.  It is strongly recommended that we have covered that particular stage of life in class before you write the paper for that age group; however if you believe you would be able to successfully complete this assignment despite not having covered it in class, you may move ahead. Observation of  Toddlers Development Paper.

Be sure to allow time in the semester to locate people and be sure to get permission to interact with them.

Format: You will write a report and submit itAPA Style (NO abstract; in-text citation of sources needed and a reference page.) Hint: the textbook is a good source of information and you may use others too.

Length: 3-4 pages. NOT including cover page or reference page.

Font: 12 pt. legible; double spaced

Interview of Jeff, 26 years old: Person between 22 and 35 years old

(Questions are underlined, answers are note styled)

1) What is their current physical/health state?

Physical and health wise, Jeff is in better shape than most 26-year-old men.

Diet: tries to not drink alcohol, does not drink soda, avoids junk food (chips), no fast food, avoids munchy snack foods. Tries to eat a lot of fish, loves dessert foods, limits this to a few times a week. Limits eating out to a couple times a week, always brings lunch to work, like sandwich or left overs. Observation of a Toddler’s Development Paper.

Activity level?

Moderate activate level, tries to do home workouts every single day, like waking up and doing 200 sit ups, 100 pushups. Tries to do the gym at least 3 times a week.

What changes have they noticed in these areas?

Now that he’s older, he’s less active than when he was younger. Almost has to go out of his way to be active, as opposed to constantly being active while younger and growing up like playing sports and whatnot.

Diet has gotten better, used to always eat bad foods like junk and fast food, always ate desserts.

2) Do they have any concerns about aging/changes experienced? What are they?

Yes, concerns about aging. Always has had a fast metabolism. Observation of a Toddler’s Development Paper. Worried about gaining weight as he gets older. Fast food affects bowel movements.

Worried going to start getting less active and body will start hurting when active.

Worried about basic consequences of aging.

3) What evidence do they show of being in or progressing toward post-formal thought?

Definitely feels more mature, says its naturally happens with the prefrontal cortex becoming fully developed. “people start focusing more on the Super Ego and less on the ID”

4) Where are they in their career stages/achievement?

High in career achievement goals, reached a career he’s wanted to reach, not at the endgame in career though. Has career job that he will be in for the next 30 years.

Where are they in terms of Erkison?

(look up later)

5) Where are they in terms of long-term relationships/family?

Ready to be in a serious relationship, is in one but isn’t married. Feels more ready to commit than he did back when he was younger. Observation of a Toddler’s Development Paper.

Do they have children? How do they see their parenting style?

No children, no parenting style to judge.

What is their relationship to their parents?

Strong relationship, close to parents and entire family. Has always been close.

Did parenting style impact their development?

Absolutely. Parents raised him with religious background, to do what’s right not because he was going to get in trouble, but because it’s the right thing to do. Was more worried about disappointing them than getting into trouble, that’s why he didn’t do the same things growing up as other kids.


What about other contextual factors?

Raised in Midwest, was taught to be more outgoing and warmer towards people. Really close with fam and was the most important thing. Never wanted to let family down. Observation of  Toddlers Development Paper.